Washi Wednesday: Upcycle a Coffee Can

My collection of washi tape has been slowly growing.  There are so many cute designs, so when there is a good sale, it is hard to pass up.  Here is an easy project where I put my washi stash to use.

Start with a clean coffee can (or any other cylindrical container).  Whenever I buy food, I try to think of alternative uses for the packaging.  I recently found this tube of school-themed washi tape at Michael’s for $5!

Peel off the label.  Since washi tape is usually not totally opaque, it is a good idea to have a solid background.  As you can see here, I did not bother scraping every last piece off and it worked out fine.

Apply the washi tape around the can, starting from the bottom.  I overlapped the tape just a little bit so that it completely covers the can.  The ridges of the can were a little tricky, but washi tape is very forgiving.  If it goes on a little crooked, it is easy to readjust.

This container is the perfect size for pencils.  I plan to use it at our homework station.  This would also make a nice gift for a teacher!

How do you use washi tape?  What containers do you upcycle?  I think Pringles cans would be fun, too!

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  1. This is such a cute (and easy DIY)! đŸ™‚ I agree with you because I also have way too much washi and need to find other uses for it… Great post!
    -Jenna <3
    Follow me back? The Chic Cupcake

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