Too Much to Blog, Too Little Time

We’re having a difficult time keeping up with our blog since so much is going on. We’ll have to come back to k’s birthday party later next week.

Christmas Eve Dinner
Christmas Eve we had my parents over for dinner. Nothing too fancy…the main dish was Corn Maiden tamales from Trader Joe’s. Afterward we went to Christmas Eve service. k stayed quiet the entire time! (Probably because she was too tired to talk).

Look at the felt cupcake I made for my sister (who is a big cupcake fan) for Christmas:
I used the pattern from Fantastic Toys. D thought it was an ice cream cone.

Christmas morning we opened stocking stuffers first. Then we had breakfast: wake-up casserole, fruit salad and cranberry orange sticky buns. Afterward we opened some presents. k gets more excited about presents now, so it is fun to watch her reaction.
Cute puffer vest from her cousin.

Then we headed over to my parents house, where, yes, there were more presents for k. Considering her birthday was just four days prior, k had present overload. Here’s k’s Christmas present from my parents:
How cute is that? There’s even a Mazda parked in the garage. There is a Caucasian family and an Asian American family co-habitating. đŸ™‚
k with dollhouse
k gave us a good laugh by squatting on the miniature toilet. Here, she is turning on the the t.v.

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1 Comment

  1. Christmas through the eyes of a child is the best kind of Christmas. The cranberry-orange sticky buns sounds good. Care to share the recipe?

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