Disclosure: I received samples in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.
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Have you heard of disc golf? I had heard of it and seen a couple of courses, but no one in our family had played it before. When Kestrel contacted me about reviewing a couple of their disc golf sets, I searched for a local course where we could play. I saw that there was a disc golf course located at Aldrich Park in the heart of the UC Irvine campus so we decided to check it out.
The Kestrel disc golf sets each come with three sizes of discs: a driver, mid-range and putter. These discs are made of high quality plastic and are Professional Disc Golf Association approved!
I like how these Kestrel sets come with their own bags. They make it easy to transport and keep the sets together at home.
At first we found a nice open field and practiced throwing the discs back and forth.
Next we started our hunt for the disc golf baskets, which look like this:

However, none were to be found. We even asked a couple of students along the way. I had D look up the course map on his phone and he figured out that this course did not use the baskets. Instead, their “holes” were light posts wrapped with different colors of tape.
The discs are designed for different distances, just as you use different clubs in golf. We ended up guessing where to start from and which target to aim at.
Even though we did not play an “official” game of disc golf, it was still a lot of fun. n wanted to keep on playing, but our parking time limit was up! Next time we will have to find a better marked course with real baskets. However, even if there are not any disc golf courses near you, I think it would also be easy to make your own course, since you really just need to set up targets.
Disc Golf is a great way to spend time together outdoors as a family. A Kestrel Disc Golf set would make a wonderful Father’s Day gift.
Enter to win a Kestrel Disc Golf Pro Pack Bundle + Bag!

I’ve never heard of Disc Golf before and never played it so it would be pretty cool to learn more about it and play during the summer time at a picnic or bbq event.
I have played once or twice.
I haven’t played disc golf before, but I think it would be a fun way to get outside and get some exercise.
Yes I have heard of it, but never played it. My family would definitely enjoy playing together!
Yes, I have heard of it and I understand it is gaining in popularity.
I have heard of it but never really played myself. Some friends of mine have however.
I have never heard of this before.
YES! I have 🙂
I have played before but it has been awhile. Now that my kids are older it would be fun to take them.
My boyfriend played disc golf at a bachelor party once. He said it was fun and had been trying to get me to play ever since. There are courses all around where we live, so perhaps, it may be time!
I have not heard of disc golf before.
Never have!
My son-in-law use to play, he said it was fun!
I have watched people play before, but I have never played, but would like to.
I have heard of disc golf but I personally have not played it yet.
I’ve never played, but I know people who have.
I have heard of it before. My son played it in college but I never have.
I’ve never heard or played Disc Golf before. It looks like fun. Thanks for the giveaway!
I’ve played it before! Actually how i found out i was pregnant with my daughter lol. I had to use the bathroom sooooooo bad and couldnt find one. long story but i LOVE disc golf! Thanks for the chance!
Yes. Our son has played disc golf before.
Yes, I’ve played it and love it.
I’ve never heard of it before.
Have never heard of this before
I have heard about Disc Golf, but have never had the opportunity to play. Looks like fun. Thank you for the chance to win.
Yes, I have a friend who love it! It’s a big deal where I live.
I have heard of but not played disc golf before.
I’ve heard of it but i have not played it before. My husband has though!
I would love to win this for my grandson to practice with. His father, while working for Parks & Rec, is the one who brought disc golf to our county and even has a course named after him!
Wow, that is so cool!
It’s been a long time since I’ve played!!
I heard of it, but never played. This would be fun for my large family gatherings.
We play all the time. We have a disc park that’s across the street from us
No I have never heard of it. Thanks
I haven’t but it looks so fun.
I have heard of it before but have never played but my son and his friends love to play!
I have just recently heard of disc golf and it sounds like a lot of fun.
I’ve heard of disc golf but haven’t played it before.