Soka University International Festival

After cheering on n at his soccer game, we went to the annual International Fair at Soka University in Aliso Viejo. I obtained a free parking pass from OC Register (otherwise it is $10). Admission is free. I’ve always been curious about this university that is founded on “Buddhist principles”.
The campus is dominated by a HUGE fountain feature in the middle. It is quite impressive. There are signs that say not go in the water, but I saw plenty of people dipping their feet.
There were several booths selling food and other items. We had already eaten lunch, and it was too early for dinner, so we just bought boba tea and a shaved ice. I had a good laugh at the booth selling stretch jeans–“One size fits all!”
One of the highlights was going to the Performing Arts Center. We were able to see two acts. The first was Instant Radio of Soka University. They performed “Beat It” and “Uptown Funk”.
The second was Mei-Ling Lee Chinese Dance Group. I enjoyed this, and the kids were able to see a glimpse of the Chinese side of their heritage. đŸ™‚
I liked how the performances were continuous throughout the day, and you could come and go as you pleased.
We had the kids collect stamps in a mini passport at various booths throughout the festival. I thought they would just get a mini mascot prize. However, when we turned in our completed passport, the people at the booth seemed surprised that we had finished it. The kids received the mascot and shared a gift basked donated by the City of Aliso Viejo Environmental Services (aka trash pick-up). This was a nice surprise!
The contents were actually not too exciting (dog waste baggies, anyone?), but there was a light-up yo-yo, which was a highlight. They were also quite happy about the bookmark with all of the presidents of the United States. I also wanted to note that n was wearing a shirt that he had decorated earlier that day at the Superhero-themed birthday party he attended. He drew Thor and a bunch of hammers!

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