Scouting Recognitions

This past weekend we celebrated both k and n in their scouting endeavors.  k received the Bronze Award with her troop.  They sewed pillowcases and donated them to a hospital for their project.


We did not realize people would arrive so early, and we ended up in the very back row.  k did a nice job reading a short blurb about their project.  It was a large crowd!


k’s troop has nine girls, but only four could make it to the ceremony.  She will be moving on to Cadettes next year.

n bridged from Wolves to Webelos for Cub Scouts.  The dads build this bridge every year for the boys to cross.  For the past couple of years the ceremony has been at Irvine Ranch Outdoor Education Center in Irvine Regional Park.



After the boys cross the bridge, they put on their new neckerchief, slide, and hat.



So proud of both of our scouts and so appreciative for their leaders!  Looking forward to many more adventures.


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