Sampling Sam’s Famous Salsa

Disclosure: I received samples in order to facilitate this review. All opinions are my own.

I had so much fun attending the Online Nourished Festival a few weeks ago. I always enjoy hearing about new allergen-friendly products and learning about ways to live a healthier lifestyle. One of the brands that I discovered was Sam’s Famous Salsa. According to the website, their salsas originated with a family recipe that is over one hundred years old!

Sam’s Famous Salsa comes in three different heat levels: Mild, Medium and Hot. I am not sure if my family is just used to spicy foods, but we thought the Medium tasted more like Mild and that the Hot tasted more like Medium.

Due to the use of fresh ingredients, Sam’s Famous Salsa needs to be kept refrigerated. They do not use any artificial flavors or preservatives and it is quite evident in the taste! I thought the texture of the salsa was just perfect-a little chunky, but easy to scoop up with some tortilla chips. We also tried the salsas with quesadillas and they added a real flavor punch. This salsa seriously did not last long in my house; my family gobbled it up.

Where To Purchase Sam’s Famous Salsa

Look for Sam’s Famous Salsa at a store near you or order it through their online store.

Sam’s Famous Salsa Giveaway

Enter the giveaway below for a chance to win your choice of 6 containers of Sam’s Famous Salsa!

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  1. I prefer a medium salsa. I use it in a multitude of ways like as a sauce when making pizza, adding a few tablespoons in chili, on eggs, or as a dip with my tortilla chips, just to name a few. đŸ™‚

  2. I would have to say medium/mild also. When it’s too hot , I don’t taste the flavor, just the hotness!

  3. I am a lightweight, so mild for me, please! I like salsa and tortilla chips. I also like to make dips with salsa.

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