Sneaking In One Last Trip to San Diego Safari Park


Our San Diego Zoo annual passes expires January 31, so we took one last trip to the Safari Park during a student holiday the Friday before.

We had developed a sort of routine in the order of which we visited the exhibits.  However, n wanted to see the gorillas since they were off site the last time we visited.  I would definitely recommend going there first thing because you get to watch them eating their breakfast.  It is quite a site!  The baby was also riding piggy-back style on the mom’s back, which was so cute.  Which made me wonder, why is it called piggy-back, when I have never seen a pig do that?  I know…deep thoughts!

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Volunteering as a Family

One of the many reasons why I like Cub Scouts and Girl Scouts are the various opportunities they provide to volunteer as a family.   Last month we volunteered to help with an organization called Feed My Starving Children through k’s Girl Scout troop.  We put labels on the bags of food that will be distributed to children in various countries.  

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New Year’s Eve Eve @ Knott’s Berry Farm

We had tickets to Knott’s that expired at the end of the year, so we snuck in a trip just in time.  I like going around the holidays because of the decorations/shows, etc., but it is always so crowded, too.  I was also disappointed that there was no Snoopy on Ice show on the day that we went.

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Quick Trip to San Diego

We had to postpone our trip to San Diego during Christmas break by one week since D was sick.  We ended up going after church on Sunday and staying one night.  However, by the time we arrived at San Diego Zoo at about 2 p.m. in the afternoon, it was crazy crowded.  We had to circle the parking lot for a really long time and finally lucked out when a bus was leaving, freeing up about four spaces at once!  

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Mini College Reunion

Once again, I have fallen way behind in my posting.  I am going to do my best to catch up.  The day after Christmas we drove to my friend’s house in Alhambra to meet up with my college roommates.  One of them lives in Pennsylvania, so it was a special visit!


Please forgive this picture of a picture.  We had fun just talking and picking lemons and grapefruit from my friend’s tree.  We also played a lawn game called Kubb.


Since we are not in Alhambra too often, we decided to also have dinner with my other friend who lives there.  She suggested Mama Lu’s Dumpling House.  We were excited to try a cheaper version of Din Tai Fung.  It was unbelievably crowded and the food was quite good.  However, both of the kids had allergic reactions!  We did not order any food with nuts, but there was major cross contamination going on there.  It was one of n’s worst episodes, but thankfully, he did throw up (in my trusty ziploc gallon bag that I had handy, in the car).  Thankfully, he was alright in the end, but we had to cut our dinner short.

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Christmas Eve/Morning 2015


For Christmas Eve, we went to a Saddleback service with my sister’s family.  We then all had dinner at my parents’ house.


We had my favorite food tradition–my mom’s log cake!


I like making a big Christmas breakfast at home.  k and n do not wake up any earlier on Christmas, which I find strange!





This Star Wars robe was one of n’s favorite presents!



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Christmas Eve @ Fashion Island

We pretty much avoided the malls before Christmas.  However, we thought it would be fun to walk around and look at the big Christmas tree at Newport’s Fashion Island on Christmas Eve day.  We went early, and it was not crowded at all!







We made a stop at Starbucks.  Coffee for the parents, hot chocolate for the kids.


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Ruby’s Burger and Fries for $1.99!

In early December, we went to Ruby’s Diner to take part in their anniversary special of a burger and fries for $1.99.  We had to wait about 45 minutes since we had to wait for D to come home from work.  We weren’t too impressed with the burgers though.  I actually like In-n-Out’s better!

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“Half-time” for k!

Last month, k turned nine years old.  This was a bittersweet celebration since nine is half-way to eighteen years old!  How can that be?  This article about this milestone really resonated with me.  We were supposed to be in San Diego for her birthday, but D was sick, so we had to postpone our trip to the next week.  Although I did not enjoy being in the hospital just before Christmas when she was born, it is nice that she is usually on school break on her birthday now.



This funny girl wanted pumpkin pie for her birthday dessert!

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