Park #2: Victory Park (Tustin Legacy)

Our second stop in our park tour was Victory Park in the new Tustin Legacy development.  We visited in the afternoon, so it was pretty hot and fairly crowded.


There were some unique features in the playground which the kids enjoyed exploring.



There is also a miniature hill with pretend telescopes; perfect for pretend play.

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Our 1st Cub Scout Overnight Camp Experience

The Friday morning before Memorial Day weekend, n’s Cub Scout den led the flag ceremony at school.


After school we drove to Camp Trask, a campground owned by the Boy Scouts which is located in Monrovia.  With traffic, it took about two hours.


We set up camp with our trusty REI Basecamp 4.  The whole group site was on an incline, so we just made sure our heads were at the top.  While we were setting up, a bear walked right behind the bathroom and to the side of our group site!  We have never had such a close bear encounter.  Fortunately, the bear left us alone for the rest of the weekend, much to the dismay of some of the cub scouts!


There was a camp kitchen, but we opted to do the first dinner on our own.  We just warmed up some pre-cooked chicken and cooked up some tortillas for easy burritos.



As more people arrived, our quarters became closer to each other.  I think we were the only family with four people in a four person tent.  Most families had 8-10 person tents!


One nice part about camping with other families is that the kids keep themselves occupied!


We gathered here Friday night for “Cracker Barrel”, which consisted of crackers, cheese, chips, cookies, etc.  They also showed a movie called “Scout Camp”.  We only stayed for about the first twenty minutes though.  Let’s just say there is a reason you have never heard of this movie!


They had strict rules about passing a swim test before doing any pool or lake activities.  The lake was not too impressive, so we did not bother.


The lake.


There was a lot of activities that you could choose to do.  We lined up for archery first.


D did archery later on in the day when there was no line and did pretty well.


Next we did sling shots, aiming kidney beans at tin cans and other targets.






D, n and I all shot our first BB guns.  (k had already done it with her Brownie troop and didn’t feel like it that afternoon).


Being the crafty mom, I had them do a little leather work.  They sewed a coin pouch.


We participated in the camp kitchen by washing dishes Saturday night and cooking breakfast Sunday morning.  When asked what her favorite part of camp was, k said “Washing dishes!”  We need to transfer that enthusiasm to our home!


As you can see, it takes a lot of organization and planning!


For dinner we had chicken, steak, beans, corn and Asian slaw.  And s’mores for dessert of course.  There was a group campfire on Saturday night, complete with spooky stories.  The boys who had been there before really wanted to hear a story from last year and kept chanting, “Black-Eyed Ghost!  Black-Eyed Ghost!”

Camp lasted until Monday, but we opted to go home on Sunday morning.  When we woke up, it was actually raining.  Not too hard, but enough to get everything wet.  It took us while to dry all of our equipment out at home.


It was nice to experience the camp as a family.  I was not too sure if n should join cub scouts before, but now I am really glad he did.  I feel like it exposes him to so many things that he would otherwise probably not do.



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Park #1: Valencia Park (West Irvine)


I have been trying to make good on my promise to the kids to take them to a lot of parks this summer.  The first stop in our Park Tour was Valencia Park in West Irvine.  We went before n’s swim lesson to avoid the hot sun.  An added benefit to going early is that we had the playground to ourselves.  I was also able to get some walking in since there is a nice path circling the playground area.


Although you cannot really see it in this picture, there is a nautical theme to the play structure, which is cute.  k and n also like this park because of the large field, which is perfect for soccer practice and cartwheels.  It is also pretty perfect for learning how to ride a bicycle since there is a nice wide paved path that circles the field.

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Father’s Day @ Huntington Beach

We are officially on Summer Break!  One of the things on the kids’ summer bucket list was to go to the beach.  Even though it is not that far away, we rarely go.  Saturday was the perfect day to go since we are in the middle of heat wave.  The bad thing is that it seemed like everyone else had the same idea.  Parking was a nightmare, but once we put our feet in the sand, it was all good.  I actually needed a jacket because it was pretty breezy!


We ended up at Huntington State Beach.  The kids did all of the classic beach sand activities:


Filling up their tunnel with water.


Burying someone in the sand.


n also worked hard on this tri-level sand recliner.  Happy Father’s Day!

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Exploring Beacon Park in Irvine

When I received a flyer in the mail offering $10 in food truck bucks at Beacon Park in Irvine for one of their “Friday Night Happenings”, we had to go.

We decided on dessert crepes at Crepes Bonaparte.


We ordered two “Spicy Apple Bottom” crepes, which made the kids laugh, of course.


I also scored a free scoop of vanilla ice cream for following them on Instagram.


The chunks of apple were huge!  I would definitely recommend this crepe.


The main reason for the gathering was to entice people to buy homes in the new neighborhood.  However, the models were closed, which I did not understand.  Instead, we checked out the park, including this fancy basketball court.


They hung chandeliers in the trees–fancy!


The kids loved the park, so I promised them we would return.  In fact, I have grand plans of exploring a lot of different parks in Orange County with them this summer.


Look at that tree house!



Mushroom Stools





The sky was so pretty that night.



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Our First Scout-O-Rama

Last month we went to the Orange County Scout-O-Rama.  We had never been before, so we were not sure what to expect.  Due to rain the night before, the grounds were extremely muddy.  My ballet flats were not prepared for that!  There was a $10 per family admission and $10 parking fee.  We had fun and hopefully we can go again.

There was a really cool Boy Scout/camping Lego exhibit.




My favorite part was the camp cooking booths with free samples!


Biscuits on a stick!


Dutch ovens galore!




Funnel cake and homemade ice cream.  (We had a close call with unlabeled rocky road ice cream with nuts!)



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Chick Fil A App Is Here!

The app I talked about yesterday is here!  D and I are excited to get our free chicken sandwich.  Also, for local peeps, Receipt Day is June 10 at the Marketplace.  Whatever you buy on June 10 is free if you present your receipt any day in July!

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Chick Fil A Moms DIY Upcycling Project


As a Chick Fil A mom, we were challenged to create a project that reuses the plastic container from their salads.  I decided to make a bank that we can store extra loose change and bills in.  I called it our Rainy Day Fund, so we have some extra cash when we want to something fun.  As an example, for Memorial Day yesterday, we went to Yogurtland.  Maybe with our future savings we can go to Chick Fil A!  Also, I am curious to see how Chick Fil A’s new app works out.  It rolls out tomorrow, and I believe you can get a free chicken sandwich with it.  I do not have much room on my phone, so an app needs to be really useful for me to keep it.  #chickfilamomsDIY

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