Park #5: David Sills Lower Peters Canyon Park (Irvine)


This park is conveniently close to n’s swim lessons, so we stopped by before.  Like many of our local parks, it has two sections.  One is geared to the younger set, and the other is for older kids.


There is also a nice shaded picnic table area.  I used to come here with mom friends from BSF.


n color coordinated with the playground equipment!



The kids’ favorite feature of this park is the slanted “zip line”.

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Sunday School Promotion

Each June, our church has “Promotion Sunday”, and each class gives a little presentation.


k’s class read their favorite Bible verses.


k’s verse was John 14:6-7: “Jesus answered, ‘I am the way and the truth and the life.  No one comes to the father except through me.  If you really knew me, you would know my father also.'”


n’s class did a handbell rendition of “Jesus Loves Me”.


When I see the older classes do their presentations, I always think that k and n would have a difficult time doing it at that age.  I need to stop underestimating them!

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Our Last FishFest?


Irvine Meadows Amphitheatre is closing, so this might have been our last Fish Fest.  I was thinking back to our previous FishFests.  Let’s take a look back:







We were back in the lawn section after trying out the seats two years ago.  The kids wanted to be able to spread out.  I did not remember how steeply slanted the hill was.  n kept sliding down, along with our picnic blanket.  We also were able to save a spot for the family of one of k’s basketball teammates.



Blanca was the opening act.


n did not fall asleep this time.  However, some things don’t change:  Jeremy Camp was my favorite act and we were not able stay for Mercy Me.  We also saw Phil Wickham and Matthew West.

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Bridging to Juniors

Last month, k bridged from Brownies to Juniors at Rancho Las Lomas.


The venue was beautiful, despite some drizzle.  The party planner mom in our troop did a spectacular job with the details, as usual.


D was one of the few who came prepared for the rain.


Instead of someone reciting all of the troop’s activities the past two years, there was a display board.


Flag Ceremony



This was the bridge that they crossed.




Friendship Circle


After the ceremony we watched the employees hang the parrot toys that the girls made at our house.



There was also a scavenger hunt for the kids to find all of the animals in the wildlife sanctuary.




Don’t ask my why n is wearing his sweatshirt backwards!


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Park #4: Cedar Grove Park (Tustin Ranch)


I recently read in a local free family magazine that this park should be avoided because of trash and flooding.  I would have to disagree, as I have never witnessed either of these problems.   It is a beautiful park that is surrounded by a grove of trees, with the added bonus of exercise equipment!




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Park #3: Tustin Ranch Sports Park


The best feature of this park is that the playground has a canopy over it.  There is a pretty steep slide that the kids like too.  It is called a sports park because it has a baseball field, soccer field, and basketball courts.  There is even a snack bar, but I have never seen it in operation.

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Circus Vargas @ The Orange County Great Park

I won tickets to opening night for Circus Vargas at the Orange County Great Park.  Unfortunately, D was traveling for work, and it was a school night (Thursday), but I took the kids anyway.  We only stayed until about 8:30, so we missed the Grand Finale, including the Flying Trapeze, but it was fun.



The tent was not too large, which was great for sight lines, but poor in terms of air circulation.  It was especially stuffy while we were waiting for the performance to begin, but seemed to improve once the show started.


Second row seats!



There was some amazing talent and stunts that made us cringe.  We missed D’s loud reactions/funny comments.

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Family Night @ Holiday Skate

The kids have been wanting to go rollerskating for a while now.  k has gone several times with Girl Scouts/birthday parties, but n has never been to a rink!

We went to Holiday Skate in Orange for Family Night.  On Sunday nights, from 6:30-8:30, it is $6.50, including skate rentals.




After trying to take a few blurry action shots, I realized I need video!



D and I took turns holding n’s hand.  With each time around the rink, he became a little more stable.  By the end of the session he was able to skate by himself on the straight aways!

D joined in on the dice game and made it through a few rounds.


Too bad this Instagram video does not have sound.  You need to hear Montell Jordan’s “This Is How We Do It” in the background to fully experience this moment.  🙂

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Beckman High School Presents Wizard of Oz


k really enjoys plays/musicals, so I thought it would be nice for our family to see The Wizard of Oz put on by our local high school.  The kids enjoyed it, and n managed to stay awake.  n whispered to me with wonder, “How did the witch’s skin turn green?”  So cute.  There were some serious sound quality issues during some points, which I thought would have been resolved by the last performance.  Overall, it was a fun (but somewhat pricey to me) night out.  We will have to put the original Wizard of Oz movie on our to-watch list this summer.


If you are wondering why k is wearing a different dress in this picture, it is because we originally stood in line for tickets on a Friday night, only to realize that it was cash only.  Being as we did not have $60 in cash on us, we had to return the following night after a trip to the ATM.  They should really publicize that they do not accept credit cards!  n opted for the same outfit both nights–haha.

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