Victoria Beach

A couple days after Christmas we went to Victoria Beach in Laguna for a quick picnic.  The tips on Yelp for finding this hidden spot were helpful.  Park on the beach side of PCH for free!  Do not even attempt to park in the residential neighborhood, or you are basically asking for a ticket.

Walk down Victoria Street…


and admire the multi-million dollar homes…









…until you dead end into Sunset.


There you will see a set of stairs which lead you to the beach.


Take the stairs down…



to Victoria Beach:



Climb over the rocks to the right and you will find a children’s pool…



…and then the “castle”!












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Christmas 2016

Our Christmas break has sadly come to an end.  I love the Christmas season because there is so much family time together.  However, we inevitably end up driving each other crazy…and then it is a relief to get back to a routine and productivity.


Christmas Eve peppermint brownie sundaes.


Part of k’s expanding Hello Kitty ornament collection.


Exhibit A of “driving each other crazy”.


The kids set their alarm at 5 a.m. on Christmas morning unbeknownst to us.  We put on the KTLA virtual fireplace.  It was pretty entertaining watching the fire grow and being stoked.




I bought the kids matching PJs since there are probably not too many more years where they would comply.


No Christmas is complete without my mom’s Yule Log cake.

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Skiing For The First Time!

D grew up skiing with his family.  It has been D’s dream to take the kids skiing since they could walk.  Finally, last week, this dream became a reality.  Before Christmas, we went on a day ski trip with a girl who is on k’s b-ball team and in her girl scout troop and her mom.  We went in their car to Mountain High, which is conveniently located just off the highway.  The snow was not that great but they were expecting a storm that night and flurries started just as we were leaving.  The good part is that I think a lot of people were waiting for the snow and the mountain was not too crowded on the day we were there.



We were able to borrow all of our gear, but I did buy the kids base layers from Costco.  Now that we know that the kids enjoy it, we may invest in some pieces.


The helmet rentals were $5 extra, but I would say they are a “must-have”, even on the bunny slopes.




Taking the magic carpet ride to the top of the bunny slope.




Both of the kids practiced on the bunny slope before their lessons.  I could not believe how fast they picked it up!  I have been skiing a few times and snowboarding once, and I think they are already better than me.  Learning when you are young is definitely the way to go.


Don’t get me wrong, there were definitely some tumbles in the beginning.  At one point, n fell and then D had to jump over him with his skis to avoid him (this was when I was grateful for the helmet!)

We explained how k had just turned ten a couple of days before, so we were able to but k and n in the same beginner’s class for 7-9 year olds.  There were three 9 year olds, and n, but he was able to keep up.  After the class, we ate lunch at lodge cafeteria (where I hung out most of the time).


Then everyone went on the green runs “Snowflake” and “Coyote”, and tackled the ski lifts.  D reported that k and n never fell down.  This is amazing to me, who has experienced many a fall on greens!

These were taken by my friend when they were on the bunny slopes before the lesson.  I like the “GoPro” angle!

D learned to ski when he was ten years old, so he is glad that k was able to go this year.  n has a head start, since he is younger, but he was still frustrated when k went on one extra run at the end that was a little harder with her friend and her mom.  I guess I will never fully understand the youngest child mentality, but D can relate.



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Odysseo by Cavalia

We hope everyone had a lovely Christmas yesterday.  I am determined to catch up with posts by the end of the year.  Earlier this month D and I had the opportunity to use VIP tickets to the equestrian show Odysseo that my dad had won through the OC Register.  He and my mom even included free overnight babysitting for our kids on a weeknight!

Our VIP tickets included dinner and intermission dessert buffets, so you know D and I took full advantage of that!


The food was an interesting mix, with Mediterranean, Indian, and Italian flavors, along with beef and shrimp.



Unfortunately, but understandably, photography was not allowed during the show.  However, the stunts done by both the riders/dancers and horses were truly spectacular.  The set was amazing too.  The guy behind us kept making comments such as “WHOA!”, “NO WAY!”, “WHAT THE?!”, which was pretty funny.  All in all, it was a unique, memorable experience!


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Field Trip Idea: In-N-Out Tour

Last month n’s cub scout den went on a behind-the-scenes tour of our local In-N-Out.  k had missed this tour when her Girl Scout troop went, so it was nice that she was able to go too.  I was also fortunate to be one of the chaperones this time, so I was able to take pictures, learn about the company, and eat!


We met before the restaurant opened, so we had the place to ourselves.




The Fry-O-Lator!



Each kid had a turn at the potato-cutting machine.


It was hard work!


Working the potato peeling machine.


I felt like they should provide some goggles, or something, to the woman who was hand-slicing the onions.  She was really tearing up!


We learned some fun factoids.  One was that many In-N-Outs have two crossed palm trees outside to symbolize the cross.  I know we always look for the hidden Bible verse printed under the cups and fries.



Standing in line to order.  Each person could order a hamburger or cheeseburger, fries and a drink!





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Keiki Gospel Hula

k has been busy practicing and presenting with her hula team at church.  They did a presentation for both Thanksgiving and Christmas.  These pictures are from the Thanksgiving presentation.  I really wish I could post video, but that is not allowed!  The choreography to a Hawaiian version of “O Holy Night” is my favorite of all the songs she has done so far.








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Fall AYSO Season in the Books!

After playing Irvine Slammers for a couple of seasons, we decided to try out AYSO for n.  He ended up with great coaches and team and it was a really positive experience for him.  I enjoy watching n play soccer because he has so much fun and plays hard.  As a forward he was able to score several goals and made some key assists.  I must admit that I am relieved not to have two weekday practices a week anymore…until next season, that is!



Receiving his trophy at the end of season party.





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