Disney Alaska Cruise: Adventures Away + 1st Night on Wonder

The Adventures Away party began at  4:30 p.m.  We chose to watch it from Deck 10 so that the kids could have a better view, and because our family is not big on participating in dance parties.



This was our cruise director, Trent Hitchcock.  He was from Australia and had a charming Australian accent.  Trent was funny and a bit corny, but not in an annoying way.  You could not help but like him.  He was perfect for the job!


At last, we were on our way!


Bon Voyage!

It was windy, as you can see.



We stayed on Deck 10 until we passed under Lions Gate Bridge.


There were some people on the bridge who waved to us.


Then we headed back to our room.  Our luggage was delivered right before we had left for the pool, so we were able to do some unpacking.


Well, I did some unpacking.  The kids mostly watched some Zootopia.  The television had Disney movies running 24/7.


I also decorated our door with magnets I had made from Perler beads.  I am not sure if this is the case with other cruise lines, but decorating your door is definitely a thing on Disney cruises.  It did help make finding our room easier in the long corridor.  Plus, it is just cute,  don’t you think?  Here is the sign I made in Word, if you want to make one for yourself!

Before we knew it, it was time dinnertime.  We had the early seating (5:45 p.m.), and our first assigned restaurant was Animator’s Palate.




The restaurant is surrounded by screens that showed different sketches of Disney cartoons that changed throughout the meal.



We had our own table for ten, which was nice.


This was the first time that we met our servers that would be with us for every dinner: Shahrang and Julie.


Clockwise: Garlic & Herb Focaccia (The theming of this restaurant is so cute–paintbrush knives!); Black Truffle Pasta Purseittes (so yummy!); Spinach and Arugula Leaves; Ginger Teriyaki dusted Angus Beef Tenderloin (one of my favorite main courses!); Grilled Tuna Steak; Creamy Butternut Squash Soup (only disappointment–much too salty).


The servers totally spoiled us.  They cut our kids’ meat for them!


The kids had their own menu every night, but many nights our kids ordered off of the adult menu.

There was a special guest at the end of dinner!


Warm Sticky Date Pudding and Blueberry Tart

When we returned to our stateroom, Francis had done his magic.  There was a towel animal (lobster?) on our bed, and Ghiradelli chocolates.


The couch area had been transformed to a bunk bed.  The kids were so excited.  n screamed and then said “I just HAD to scream!”.  Haha!  They worked out a deal where n could sleep on the top four times if k could choose which three times she slept on the top.  She chose the first night–haha.



Francis even arranged our slippers (which had been strewn about the floor), by size.

Finally, we went to the Be Our Guest Stage show at 8:30 p.m., which featured an introduction by Trent, as well as previews of the Disney productions that we would see later that week.

All of the musical acts were excellent, but pictures were not allowed.  There was also a juggler who was pretty entertaining, and a ventriloquist who I was not too crazy about.


This sunset picture (along with the crescent moon) was taken from our verandah after the show.


We all fell asleep quite easily that first night!


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Disney Alaska Cruise: On The Wonder, Pre-Sail

As soon as we entered the ship at the beautiful lobby on the third deck, we received the Disney welcome as our family name was announced.


We headed straight to Triton’s for lunch, which is just off of the lobby.



Ariel greets all of the guests.

I think most guests head straight to the buffet, but I had read beforehand that Triton’s was open for lunch.  It was nice to be seated all together and be served for our first meal.


We used part of that time to link up our phones on the Disney Cruise app so that we could communicate on the ship, even while on airplane mode.

As soon as we were seated, our waiter asked about the kids’ nut allergies since they were already listed in the computer system.  We learned that Disney takes allergies VERY seriously.  Our waiter was quite stern about it and it became apparent that they would not allow our kids to eat certain foods even if we thought it was ok, like bread.  I can understand how this would be really helpful in certain circumstances.  However, since we wanted to be more in control of what our kids could eat, we ended up telling them that there were no allergies.  We read the menu carefully, avoided all food that listed nuts, and never had one issue the whole week with any cross-contamination.


Loved the plastic mickey cups for the kids!


(Clockwise): Beef Empanada; Seafood & Chicken Gumbo with Cornbread; Macaroni and Cheese; Grilled Salmon Salad.  A nice way to start off our cruise!


(Clockwise):  Chocolate Marquise Bombe (rich chocolate mousse with raspberry sauce); Mickey Bars for the kids; Cookies ‘n Cream Cheesecake; Carrot Cake with Lemon Cream Cheese.

When lunch was over, we headed quickly towards the Walt Disney Theater so we could take a walking tour of the ship at 1:45.  This gave us a quick overview and helped us get our bearings of the huge ship.  (The Wonder is actually one of the smaller Disney ships, but it felt huge to us).



The staterooms were supposed to be ready by 1:30, so we were eager to checks ours out.


The hallways were long!  Fun fact: if you look at the world map on the carpet in the hallways, north points to the forward part of the ship, and south points to the aft.  Once we reached our room, we saw that our door was open and there was a maintenance person.  Our stateroom host explained that he was fixing a flickering light.  It only took a couple of minutes, and then we were free  to go inside.


Although the room was small, it was well laid out and did not feel cramped.


It was really helpful to have a split bathroom: one with toilet and sink, and the other with the shower and sink.


I immediately went to check out the verandah.  The fresh air was so nice!


Someone else enjoyed it too…

Our luggage had not arrived yet, but our day bags were prepared with our swimsuits for a quick dip in the pool.

D and the kids went down the slide a couple of times.  The weather in Vancouver was quite warm, and we knew we should take advantage of it.

Before we knew it, it was time to go back to our room so we could change for the mandatory emergency drill.

But first, we had to make a stop at the soft serve ice cream machine!


The emergency drill was all very well-organized and did not take too long.  The assigned crew member checked us off electronically and we listened to the emergency procedures.  It was finally time to set sail!

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Disney Alaska Cruise: Embarkation Morning

D and I installed the Disney Cruise app on our phones when my parents first booked the cruise.  There is a countdown feature, and the kids would often check it, announcing to us, “Only 278 more days!”.  Well, the day was finally here!



We ate breakfast in the concierge lounge.


We are not too picky–we enjoy the free breakfasts at places like Townplace Suites and the like.  However, there were two problems with this breakfast.  First, the sausage was room temperature, at best, even though it was in a chafing dish.  D talked to an employee about it.  She touched the sausage but did not acknowledge anything was wrong.  She did replace the sausage later (or maybe just warmed it up!)  Second, k took a bite of the salami and had to spit it out because she said it tasted so bad.  (n had already consumed a few bites of the salami at this point).  I was unable to discern if the salami was actually bad, or if it was just a different type that she was not used to.  D said to try it to see for ourselves, but I did not want to risk it.  Meanwhile, I was picturing two kids with food poisoning on our cruise, and that put a damper on the rest of breakfast.  Thankfully, the kids ended up being fine, so I am still not sure about k’s reaction.  OK, I did not mean to write an entire paragraph about our breakfast issues.  The rest of the food was just fine, and the hotel was nice enough to let us all eat there, so enough about that.

After breakfast, we had some time to kill, so we took another walk around Canada Place.  We stopped by the Olympic Cauldron that was used in the 2010 Winter Olympics.


Also nearby is the Pixel Orca statue created by Douglad Coupland, the person who popularized the term “Generation X”.



The city was preparing for Canada Day on July 1, marking Canada’s 150th birthday.  I do not think that we appreciated the significance of this celebration as Americans.  This sign was cool, though!


We watched some float planes take off and land in the water.


Yes, that is a floating gas station.

We also had a sneak peak of the Disney Wonder, which had arrived in port earlier that morning.


I love the classic design of the Disney ships.  It was getting real.  We headed back to the hotel to pick up our luggage and meet up with my parents and sister.


Several weeks before our departure, we received luggage tags and information booklet in the mail.  After my parents’ luggage debacle at the airport, it was nice to have the tags ready to go.  If only airlines did this!


k was ready to go with a cute selection of Mickey and Minnie hair accessories that my mom had made for her.


Our check-in time was supposed to be at 11:30, but we were not quite sure if that meant we should begin the process at that time or if that was the time we could board.  We arrived just after 10:30 to be on the safe side.  I did not take pictures during the check-in since I was juggling luggage, the online check-in form, passports, etc.  However, there were basically three steps.  1. Drop off luggage with porters.  2. Go through customs and enter passports and information through the machines.  3. Check-in with the Disney cruise line (fill out short health form, obtain Key to the World cards, and kids’ club wristbands).  I was not sure how long this would take, but it all went very smoothly.  There was an abundance of signage as well as cast members directing and answering questions.  During this time we passed by my middle sister and her family, so we knew that everyone had made it.

After that we were directed to a large waiting room and waited for our boarding number to be called.


Here is Zaza helping my nephew with his kids club bracelet.  Also notice the lanyards she made for our Key to the World cards.  Someone asked her if there was somewhere she could buy them-ha!  The wait was not too bad, and there is a restroom, fyi.  We passed time by looking through the Navigator (cruise schedule) and took some pictures.




Our boarding number was six.  Once they started calling the numbers, it went pretty fast.  According to my camera, this picture was taken at 12:11 p.m.

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Disney Alaska Cruise: Stanley Park + Flyover Canada

We took a bus (using our Compass card) to Stanley Park and rented bicycles from Spokes.


Although the store was kind of crowded, we were fitted with bikes and helmets in about fifteen minutes.


D and I had bicycled the approximately four miles around Stanley Park during our 2005 visit.  I rarely bike and I remember being a little uneasy.  Doing the ride and watching out for a ten year old and an eight year old on a fairly crowded Sunday afternoon was even more nerve-wracking (for me, not the kids)!  D led the way, then k, then n, and I brought up the rear.



There were plenty of sights to be had, such as the totem poles.


We also saw wedding photos being taken…


…and geese swimming in the waves.


We pulled over several times to take a break and let the faster riders pass us up.  The bicycle lanes and pedestrian lanes are separate, but there are parts where the bicycle lane is quite narrow.  Even so, some riders still tried to pass through.  Thankfully, there were no major accidents, but can I just say that people should not be riding bicycles while using their phones?!


Lions Gate Bridge


Since we did not have a real lunch, we were pretty hungry after our ride.  We ended up at Me-No Kura on nearby Robson Street for some authentic ramen.  Two bowls plus 2 servings of extra noodles filled us up.


Had to laugh at this sign in the bathroom.

Next we took the bus to Canada Place and experienced Flyover Canada.


I had reserved tickets online, so we saved some money and time.  The ride is very similar to Soarin’ Over California, except it features Canada, of course.  The kids have not been on Soarin’, (I know!), so they did not really know what to expect.  It was kind of expensive for what it was (even with the favorable Canadian exchange rate), but it was a fun and touristy thing to do.



We walked around Canada Place a little more, I bought my Vancouver Starbucks mug, and we headed back to the hotel.


We met up with my parents and sister at the concierge lounge.  They had eaten at a restaurant called Joey Restaurant and brought us some leftover chicken banh mi.


It was really good!  I think n ate most of it, even though it was a little spicy.

To D’s dismay, we had missed the free appetizers offered in the concierge lounge, but they did have this dessert:


I think it was supposed to be crème brulee, only it was not “bruleed” as there was no crunchy shell.  It was still tasty, though.

We then headed back to our room and prepared for bed.  There was a pretty sunset that night.

It was not difficult for us to fall asleep after that long day!

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Disney Alaska Cruise: Arriving in Vancouver

We are back from an incredible seven night Disney cruise to Alaska!  This trip was made possible by the amazing generosity of my parents, and we are SO thankful to them for this experience.  There were ten of us all together: My dad, mom, youngest sister, middle sister (along with her husband K and son j) , and us (D + L + k + n).  This trip introduced a lot of firsts for us: 1st time we have all vacationed together, 1st cruise, 1st time to Alaska, and 1st time going to another country (Canada) for k + n.  We took a lot of pictures, so be prepared for some long, detailed posts of our adventure.  My hope is that these posts will help preserve our memories for the future, as well as provide some tips for those who are planning a similar trip.  I also have grand plans of making a video and scrapbook, so we’ll see how that goes!

Our vacation started on Sunday, June 25, one day before our cruise departure.  We had a flight out of LAX to Vancouver at 10:45 a.m.  My parents and youngest sister were booked on the same flight.  We drove separately to the airport and saw them during the check-in process.  Our family then proceeded to security/customs.  Luckily, we were directed to an “express” line where we did not have to do all of the security rigamarole.  Once we reached what we thought was our gate, we realized we had to take a shuttle to another remote terminal.  Meanwhile, my parents and sister were still stuck at check-in because the computer would not print the tag needed for their one piece of checked luggage.  They had to wait in a super long line to talk to an agent.  Even though they had arrived at the airport over two and half hours before take-off, they barely made their flight!


We flew on a small American Airlines airplane that we booked through Alaska Airlines and was operated by Compass Airlines, or something confusing like that.  We sat in row 18 both coming and going.  The kids were excited and behaved pretty well during the three hour flight.


I came within one clue of solving the crossword puzzle in the airline magazine.  Doh!


It was a relief that we all made it (along with our luggage) to YVR.

D and I took a trip to Vancouver in 2005.  Sadly, that was pre-blog, so we do not have much record of it.  I think a lot has been added to the international terminal since then.

You could even hear bird sounds!


Going through customs was not too bad.  However, using machines for everything still feels strange.


From the airport we bought day passes for the Skytrain from the airport to the Waterfront Station via the Canada Line.  It was convenient, not too crowded, and reminded me of the BART.

After exiting the Skytrain, we walked to the Vancouver Marriott Pinnacle Downtown hotel and checked in.

We picked this hotel since D was able to use his points for our stay.  Although it is fairly convenient to Canada Place (the cruise ship terminal), it was a bit of a walk from Waterfront Station.  n had some trouble managing his wheelie suitcase.


We were able to check out the concierge lounge due to D’s gold Marriott status.


Notice how the rooftop grass on the right of this picture contrasted against the sleek glass architecture and glassy water–nice!

By this time it was close to 4 p.m. and it was time to explore Stanley Park.


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Visiting The Broad Museum With Kids

The Broad museum is a fairly recent addition to the downtown Los Angeles art scene.  The Broad (as in Eli Broad, rhymes with “road”) opened in 2015, and admission is free.  However, reservations are recommended as the stand-by line looked pretty long.  D and I downloaded the museum’s app and we did the kids’ walking tour narrated by LeVar Burton.

Father's Day

I liked this whimsical larger-than-life piece that greets you in the lobby.


Next we went up a long escalator to view the main floors of the museum.

You can not help but smile at the balloon sculptures by Jeff Koons.


Father's Day

Interesting, and somewhat creepy statue of Michael Jackson and his monkey.

This piece was massive and makes you think about everyday life as art.

On our way home we stopped by at the new Porto’s Bakery in Buena Park.


The ordering process is quite something


It is difficult to choose!

We ended up sharing a cubano, a medianoche, a guava roll, mango dessert, a potato ball and two other “balls”, but I cannot remember what they were called.  They also gave us a guava cheese roll as a sample!

Happy Father’s Day, D!

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Flavor Your Life With Liquid Gold

 *I received this product for free from Moms Meet (momsmeet.com) to use and post my honest opinions. Compensation for this post was provided and this page may contain affiliate links.*

With summer here, I am more often in the mood for salads.  Considering all of the unidentifiable ingredients that usually make up store-bought salad dressing, homemade dressing is the way to go.  I usually use a really simple recipe: one part Extra Virgin Olive Oil, one part white balsamic vinegar, salt and pepper.  That’s it.

I prefer Extra Virgin Olive Oil because it is pressed without heat or chemicals and is fresher and purer than other olive oils.  With so many olive oils on the market nowadays, it can still be difficult to choose.  However, I have learned that looking for the European Union PDO certification (Protected Designation of Origin), ensures that the oil is produced, processed and prepared with the highest standards.

You can add lemon juice, but I do not always have it on hand.  I mix it up in a mason jar, give it a shake, and pour onto my greens.  The mason jar is also handy since you can just stick it in the refrigerator if you have extra dressing.

I like to add a little bleu cheese and almonds for texture and interest.  In the summer it is nice to add some fresh fruit, such as nectarines and blueberries.  Here I used Zucchi Extra Virgin Olive Oil, and I found that it paired well with the fruity flavors.

Cheers to flavoring your life with “Liquid Gold”, aka Extra Virgin Olive Oil from Europe!

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Summer Is Here!

We had a fun first weekend of summer vacation.

It has become a tradition for me to save up some my winnings (and buy some additional small gifts) to give to the kids after their last day of school.  This should help keep them occupied!

Our last day of school coincided with Flip Flop day at Tropical Smoothie Café.  If you wear flip flops (or “slippers” as JAs like to say) to the store, you get a free smoothie.  Since flip flops are k and n’s preferred footwear, this is very easy for us to do.  We did make a small donation to Camp Sunshine, as well.

On Saturday we took a trip to downtown L.A. to visit The Broad museum.  I had made free reservations months in advance, crossing my fingers that nothing would come up in the meantime.  Luckily, that afternoon was still open for us.  We parked just across the street at the Walt Disney Concert Hall to save a few dollars, and because I had never checked it out before.  I used to pass this building when I went to court and was always curious about it.  The Frank Gehry-design is quite striking and a nice addition to the area.

Father's Day

As we came out of the parking structure, we saw this interesting cloud sculpture.  All I could think about is how it looks like a giant dust magnet that would be really difficult to clean.

Father's Day

We also poked around the rooftop garden area.

Father's Day

Father's Day

I thought this fountain kind of clashed with the building, but to each his own.  Hopefully we will be able to attend a concert here one day!





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Cub Scout Bridging from Wolves to Bears

We had a busy Sunday last week.  First, the kids participated in Promotion Sunday at church.  n’s class did a short presentation and n’s part was about Paul spreading the gospel.  We had to leave early so that n could attend his Cub Scouts bridging ceremony.


n is now officially a Bear!  His bridging ceremony was conveniently located at Irvine Regional Park in the Irvine Recreation Outdoor Education Center.  They started out with some ziplining.  This was n’s first time, and he did great!  (k has already done this zipline with Girl Scouts).




It was nice to have an overcast day, even if it was a little misty.

This was our first bridging ceremony since we missed last year’s.  It was interesting to watch the dads construct the bridge.  Where does one buy such a bridge kit and where does one store said bridge? are some of the questions that came to mind.



I think there may have been a Lion who fell off, but I think everyone else made it across safely.


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Circus Vargas Steam Cirque @ Irvine Great Park

The circus is back in town!


I won ringside seats, so we went last Saturday.  We went last year also, but D was not able to go since he was travelling for work.  This year we were able to stay for the whole show since it was not a school night.  I thought they did a good job of changing up the show; it did not seem repetitive even though there were some common elements.  It was also not as stuffy as last year, so that was nice.


As you can see, the venue is pretty small, so I do not think there were any “bad” seats in the house.


We were close enough to see some of the “behind the scenes” preparation.




The main clown was back.  His juggling skills are astounding!


The trapeze was directly over our heads.  My neck was getting sore!



These guys are crazy!

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