Green Enough: A Valuable Resource To Live a Healthier Life

You might remember me excitedly talking about a conference that I attended earlier this year called ShiftCon.  Well, the founder of the conference wrote a book called Green Enough and it is being released today!  I had the privilege of reviewing a preview copy of this book and wanted to share some of my thoughts.

Segedie shows readers how to make the best choices possible about what they bring into their homes – from furniture to packaged food – all without losing their minds! It’s not about being “perfect,” it’s about being armed with the right information so that you can put your family on the path to better health. Segedie includes:

· Delicious, kid-approved recipes for readers looking to detoxify their cooking routine

· The brands that contain toxic chemicals and dangerous additives

· How to choose organic produce that’s pesticide-free (it’s harder than it seems)

· Instructions on making the move to meat, dairy, and eggs that don’t contain GMOs, growth hormones, and dangerous pathogens

Segedie’s writing style is conversational and friendly.  Reading her book is like listening to a knowledgeable friend.  However, she is also no holds barred with her language in getting her point across, which may take some people aback.  I appreciate the numerous snippets throughout the book from a well-known pediatrician and a scientist, both of which add another layer of credibility to the advice given.

Here is an example of how the book lays out changes you can make in your home by prioritizing simple steps:

My favorite part of the book is where Segedie creates lists of products ranging from deli meat to cleaning products to hair dye and categorizes the brands as Bad, Better or Best.  Sure, you could do you own research, (and she encourages her readers to do so!) but that would take forever.  These quick cheat sheets are really helpful when you are just starting out in greening up your home like I am.  Green Enough is definitely a valuable resource to live a healthier life.

Reprinted from Green Enough by Leah Segedie. Copyright ©2018 by Leah Segedie. By permission of Rodale Books, a division of Penguin Random House LLC. Available wherever books are sold.

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n is 9!

n’s birthday celebration lasted for about a week.  Last Sunday, we had a dinner at my parents’ house with my side of the family.  On Friday, we had a small birthday celebration at home with just us.  And yesterday we went skiing in the morning/early afternoon and had a dinner party with some of his friends at Benihana.

For the dinner at my parents’ house, my mom made it an emoji-themed party.


Yes, those are what you think they are.


If you need another clue, look at n’s new slippers–ha!


For n’s birthday dinner at our house, he requested his favorite, salmon.  I bought a large slab at Costco and he basically ate it for Friday dinner, Saturday lunch and Saturday dinner–ha!


I found these cute strawberry shortcake desserts at Costco.  When I bought them I did not even realize that they come with six real glasses.  Not bad for around $11.  I want to make my own mini parfaits now!


Happiest of birthdays to our n.  I love that he still calls me mommy, likes to give and receive hugs and tells me that he loves me.  He is my affectionate one, for sure.  I am not sure how much longer that will last, but I will take it while I can!

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Fifth Grade Mother Daughter Tea + Father-Daughter Dance

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k is in fifth grade now.  I cannot believe it is her last year of elementary school.  She is also five feet tall now.  How did this happen?

A couple of weeks ago her school hosted a Mother-Daughter tea to talk about those “changes” that are happening, or will be happening in the near future.  I was on the committee to help plan the tea.  Honestly, I did not too much since our head chairperson really took the lead (which was much appreciated!)  I think the event turned out really nice.  The theme was cherry blossoms.  Here is part of the invitation:

We had the parents submit a baby photo of their daughter and then they took a picture of the girls at school.  Then they displayed the photos back to back in an Ikea frame as part of the favors.


We also had the moms write a letter to their daughter that was included in their goody bags. We showed an introductory video put out by P&G, and a mom who was a nurse did an excellent presentation that was light-hearted but still informative.  There was also some Q & A time.

A lot of the girls actually do not like pink anymore, but I thought the pink-cherry blossom combo was cute.

We kept the food simple.  Tea sandwiches, salad, and chicken nuggets, made by one of the parents who is a caterer.  Cupcakes for dessert.  We had iced tea and lemonade in plastic tea cups.

The nurse recommended this American Girl book, The Care and Keeping of You.  I went over this book with k about a year and a half ago, and I think it is really good too.  I am glad that we were able to talk about it before going to the tea.  I think everything might have been a bit too shocking if we had not talked about it beforehand.  We have not gone through The Care Keeping of You 2 yet, though!

American Girl also has a similar book for boys, Guy Stuff.  I think I will let D handle that one with n!

The very next night our school also had its first ever Father-Daughter dance.

I was not part of the planning committee for that one, but I am grateful that it happened for k’s last year at the school.  Seriously, where is life’s “pause” button?

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My First #NewHopeBloggerBox + NeoCell Giveaway


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I recently joined the New Hope Blogger Co-op and am so excited to be part of this community.  Last week I received a box of samples of natural products to try out, review and share about with all of you.

I received the following samples:

Of course, the snack items were the products that immediately grabbed my attention.  I am always on the lookout for healthier foods to snack on.  I will be sharing more about those products as I try them.

Another product that caught my eye was the NeoCell Glow Matrix Advanced Skin Hydrator.  This was because I had also received samples of this product, along with NeoCell Beauty Infusion Refreshing Collagen Drink Mix at ShiftCon earlier this year.  Now, I am not a doctor, so please do your own research, but recently I have been hearing a lot about the benefits of collagen.  Here is an article about collagen that I found helpful.  Some of the claimed benefits are healthier skin, hair and nails.

Since I received an abundance of samples from NeoCell, I thought I would host a giveaway for 15 samples of NeoCell Glow Matrix Advanced Skin Hydrator and 15 samples of NeoCell Beauty Infusion Refreshing Collagen Drink Mix.


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Go See It: Paul, Apostle of Christ

The account of Paul’s transformation from a persecutor of Christians to one who willingly suffers persecution for the sake of the Gospel is one of the most powerful stories in the Bible.  I am excited to see that a movie has been made that recounts Paul’s journey.  I saw a preview for this movie in the theater last year and it looks quite intense and moving.

In PAUL, APOSTLE OF CHRIST, Luke risks his life to visit Paul, who is held captive in a Roman prison under Nero’s rule. Together, they struggle against a determined emperor and the frailties of the human spirit in order to live out the Gospel of Jesus Christ and spread their message to the world.

Paul’s letters and writings were vital to the spreading of Christianity, and became a large part of the New Testament. Despite persecution and peril, they shared Jesus’ message of love, redemption and forgiveness with a small community of believers who in turn, took it to the whole world.

Great pains were taken to maintain biblical accuracy. Using scripture as the only reference, director Andrew Hyatt recreated the story of Paul on film, including the close relationship with Luke, whom at the end of Paul’s life, at his own peril, traveled in and out of the prison carrying Paul’s writings to the community of believers

The MPAA has rated the film PG-13 for some violent content and disturbing images

Running time is 1:47 min

In Theaters Nationwide Week Before Easter Friday, March 23, 2018.  Buy tickets here.

Disclosure (in accordance with the FTC’s 16 CFR, Part 255:  “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising”): Many thanks to Propeller Consulting, LLC, Collide Media Group and Columbia TriStar Marketing Group, Inc. for providing tickets to see this movie on its release in exchange for this promotional post.  Opinions are 100% my own and NOT influenced by monetary compensation.

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Date Night @ Cirque Du Soleil Luzia


Last night, D and I had the opportunity to watch the Cirque Du Soleil Luzia show at the OC Fairgrounds.  This was the first time for both of us to watch a live performance of Cirque Du Soleil.

I only had two tickets, so it was date night for us!

From the very beginning of the show, I was impressed with the artistic storytelling.  The costumes, music, and staging all worked together to transport the audience to another magical world inspired by Mexico.

The performers were absolutely amazing.  We were gasping at their strength, flexibility and talent.

I think n would have been really wowed by Abou Traoré from Guinea and Laura Biondo of Italy and Venezuela, who could handle a soccer ball like nothing I have ever seen.

Aleksei Goloborodko, a contortionist from Russia bent his body in a way that does not seem humanly possible.

Another element of the show that was really impressive was the use of technology and water.  Again, it is something that you just have to see for yourself.

The show started at 8:00 p.m.  There was a 25 minute intermission and it ended at 10:15 p.m. (late for use, ha!)  It was a wonderful experience to be able to watch this show so close to home.  Now I want to watch one of the bigger Cirque du Soleil shows in Las Vegas!  We will have to take the kids one day, too.

LUZIA’s leaving O.C. Fair & Event Center on March 25th.

Experience water inside the big top, jaw dropping acts and larger than life props in this unique production unlike any show you have ever seen before. Get ready to be transported to a surreal world of wonders!

Grab your deal today!

*Offer valid on ticket price levels 1, 2 and 3 from 3/8-3/23/18, select performances only. While supplies last. Limited time offer.

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Book Review: Find Your Brave #RefuseToSink

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It is a fact that in this fallen world, we will all face trials and hardships.  Find Your Brave is a book that offers Bible-based wisdom in making it through the storms of life.  The author, Holly Wagner, shares openly about her life’s struggles, including a battle with cancer.  She offers advice and encouragement that can be applied to a variety of problems that people face: e.g. loneliness, lack of finances, divorce, illness or death of a loved one.  The chapters are entitled:

  1. Rising in the Darkness
  2. Brace Yourself
  3. Let It Go
  4. Keep the Main Thing the Main Thing
  5. Get Your Hopes Up
  6. Courage is a Decision
  7. Anchored
  8. Don’t Quit
  9. Stronger
  10. The Other Side
  11. When You Make Your Own Storm
  12. The Shore

At the end of the book, Wagner includes a section dedicated to Bible verses that offer comfort in difficult times and that remind of us God’s promises.  There are also some group discussion questions for each chapter.  I can definitely see this book being helpful for those who are in the midst of the storms of life.  It could also be helpful if you know someone else going through something and you want to offer help.  However, even if you are not currently struggling, reading this book can instill truths that can offer hope if and when you do face challenges.

I received this book from Blogging for Books for this review.

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Cirque du Soleil Now In Orange County!

I have yet to see Cirque do Soleil live in person.  I have seen performances on television, and they look amazing.  I am looking forward to watching them perform in Orange County and will be sure to blog about my experience.  

LUZIA takes you to an imaginary Mexico, like in a waking dream, where light (“luz” in Spanish) quenches the spirit and rain (“lluvia”) soothes the soul. With a surrealistic series of grand visual surprises and breathtaking acrobatic performances, LUZIA cleverly brings to the stage multiple places, faces and sounds of Mexico taken from both tradition and modernity. Experience water inside the big top, jaw dropping acts and larger than life props in this unique production unlike any show you have ever seen before. Get ready to be transported to a surreal world of wonders!
25% off tickets to LUZIA by Cirque du Soleil! – 25% off tickets to LUZIA by Cirque du Soleil. Select weeknight shows only. Use promo code REVIEW. @usfg

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Perfect “Beginners” Campground In Orange County


We have done our fair share of car camping in California and throughout the West.  One of our family’s favorite campgrounds is only about twenty minutes away from where we live: Moro Campground in Crystal Cove State Park which is located in Orange County, California.  Reservations can be made online six months in advance.  If you know the date you want to camp, I would highly suggest nabbing a site the first day possible.  However, you might luck out with random cancellations.  For instance, I was able to grab the one remaining reservation on a Friday night in February just about a month prior.

Why we love this campground (and why it is perfect for beginner campers):

  • Every site has an ocean view.  Although it is located across PCH, the campground is on a gradual cliff, which affords everyone an amazing view of the Pacific Ocean.
  • There is direct access to the beach.  You can easily drive down to the beach (it is walkable, but it is fairly steep) without leaving the campground.  And the beach there is gorgeous–see our pictures!
  • The bathrooms are CLEAN.  These are seriously some of the cleanest campground bathrooms we have encountered.
  • The environment is quiet and family-friendly.  We have been camping in other parts of Orange County where it is much more of a party scene.  We have always had courteous neighbors in our experience here (of course, your mileage may vary!)
  • The coastal location means fairly moderate temperatures.  Camping here in February was not a problem, nor does it get too hot in the summer.

A couple of “cons”:

  • It is on the expensive side for campsites.  One night cost us $55 + $8 reservation fee.  However, it comes with one parking pass that can be used at any state park/beach for both days of your visit, which is usually $15 per day.
  • There are no wood or charcoal fires allowed, which is not a deal-breaker for us since we just use our gas stove to cook.
  • The campsites themselves are not very big, but there are large plants strategically placed in between each site so that you still have a feeling of privacy.


We are loving our REI Kingdom 6 tent.  We are still amazed at how roomy it feels inside compared to our Base Camp 4.


So pretty at sunset!



They can be cute even when they are being disagreeable.


That’s better!



There was a whale spotting just off shore, and this whale watching tour boat came in for a closer look.  (We just saw some spouts/splashes).


This man had just come in from a paddle.





I kept on putting away my camera and then taking it out again because I could not stop taking pictures!


After enjoying the beach, you can just go back to your campsite, prepare dinner and enjoy the rest of your night.  I hope that this post convinces you to try camping at Moro Campground!

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Sagaform Herbs & Italy Party #Tryazon #SagaformUSA


Recently we were given the opportunity to try out some products from Sagaform.  This was my first introduction to Sagaform, which is a Scandinavian Lifestyle brand.  I have always been a fan of Scandinavian design and the products that we were sent are both functional and stylish.


Basil is my all-time favorite herb to have on hand growing in my kitchen.  I like the design of this Herb Pot because you put water in the bottom, so the roots can draw up the water.


These Herb Scissors are really handy.  They make perfectly sized ribbons of any herb that you choose.


Multi Tool Pasta Server: measures, grates and serves!



These Pizza Scissors are another clever invention.  Cut the pizza and then easily serve up a slice.

Photo Feb 23, 9 24 20 PM

I made a bruschetta appetizer and topped it with freshly snipped basil.  These Sagaform products would make great original gifts for the cook or foodie in your life.

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