Fuel For Fire When You’re On The Go

I received this product for free from Moms Meet (momsmeet.com) to use and post my honest
opinions. Compensation for this post was provided and this page may contain affiliate links.

Yesterday we celebrated Mother’s Day and all that moms do for their families.  As a mom, it is easy to be so caught up in caring for your family that you forget to care for yourself.  Fuel For Fire is a Fruit + Protein Smoothie that is portable and can give you a natural boost of energy anytime or anywhere.  Each serving has 10+ grams of protein, along with gluten-free complex carbs, real fruits, essential vitamins, minerals, and soluble fiber.


The available flavors are: Strawberry Banana; Sweet Potato Apple; Tropical; Banana Cocoa and Coffee.  My kids liked the Strawberry Banana and I liked the Banana Cocoa the best.


I liked the convenient packaging–very easy to throw in a bag or lunch box.  Although no refrigeration is needed, they taste best cold.  Fuel For Fire Fruit + Protein Smoothies are available to purchase at fuelforfire.com, Amazon, and select retail stores. To find Fuel For Fire in your area, visit fuelforfire.com/apps/store-locator for the full list of locations.


Get 40% off and free shipping on any purchase on fuelforfire.com with the discount code SAVE40. Offer expires July 31, 2018.

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Mother’s Day Treat: Once Again Hazelnut-Chocolate-Strawberry Crepes #MomsMeet

I received this product for free from Moms Meet (momsmeet.com) to use and post my honest opinions. Compensation for this post was provided and this page may contain affiliate links.

Mother’s Day is around the corner, and it is always fun to celebrate with a sweet treat. The Once Again Nut Butter line includes an Amoré Hazelnut Spread that makes it easy to fancy up any dessert.


For my experiment, I put some of the Once Again Amore Hazelnut Spread in a squeeze bottle and drizzled it on top of some homemade crepes and strawberries.  (I used this easy recipe for the crepes, and they turned out great!) The hazelnut spread poured easily from the jar to the bottle, and from the bottle to the crepes at room temperature.  So easy!


Looks pretty fancy, right?  The hazelnut also adds an extra flavor dimension that plain chocolate lacks.  I could see drizzling this spread on ice cream, a piece of pound cake, cream puffs…so many possibilities!  More recipe ideas can be found here.

There may be a few other hazelnut chocolate spreads on the market, but the Once Again label is Certified Organic and is made without artificial flavors, colors or hydrogenated oils.  It is also Non-GMO Project Verified, Gluten Free Certified, and Fair Trade Certified.

Once Again Nut Butter Amoré Hazelnut Spread is available to purchase
at natural food stores nationwide. To find Once Again Nut Butter Amoré
Hazelnut Spread in your area, visit: onceagainnutbutter.com/retail-store-locator

Once Again Nut Butter is hosting a sweepstakes.  You can enter here for a chance to win a free case of product and a toy raccoon. Hurry, the sweepstakes is only open through May 9 and the winners will be announced during the Once Again Nut Butter Facebook Live on May 10.

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DROP IT Like It’s…Fun! #Kosmosgames #Tryazon

If you are looking for a game that is fun for the whole family, I found one.  It’s called Drop It, by Thames & Kosmos.


The concept is simple–take turns dropping in shapes, but make sure like colors and shapes are not touching.  Oh, and make sure it is a color or shape that is allowed in the corresponding zone.  Earn points based on where the shape lands.

There are variations in play that make it challenging and keep it interesting.  I can see how it develops spatial and strategic thinking.

A group of us parents tried it out while waiting for our food at k’s post-basketball game dinner.

Without me even noticing, the brothers grabbed the game they finished eating and started playing by themselves.


It was nice to see them playing the game together instead of being on their electronics.

Recommended for ages 8 and up, 2-4 players or 2 teams.

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A.W. Tozer’s Three Spiritual Classics Review

Although the works of A.W. Tozer have been around for a while (he lived from 1897-1963), it seems like just recently I have been hearing more people mention his books.  Tozer’s books are considered Christian classics, and now three of them have been combined into one volume: The Knowledge of the Holy, The Pursuit of God, and God’s Pursuit of Man.  This was my first time reading Tozer, and I can see why he is considered one of the greatest Christian authors of the twentieth century.

Let me say upfront that this is not “light” reading.  The spiritual truths that he explores are weighty and profound.  It is simply amazing that he is a “self-taught theologian” without formal training.  Although some of his prose could be considered old-fashioned, the subjects he covers in these books are timeless.  For example, in The Pursuit of God, Tozer addresses the busyness of life and urges us to be still in order to personally experience God.  This 471 page book would be a valuable addition to every Christian library.

Note: I received this book as a Moody Newsroom Blogger.  All opinions are my own.

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Pressman Toys 6 in 1 Travel Magnetic Games Review

Goliath Games provided us with this product for free.  All opinions are my own.

Longtime readers will know that we do a LOT of road trips.  Fortunately, the kids take after D, and not me, in that they do not experience motion sickness.  They have the freedom to read, draw, play games and watch DVDs while we drive for hours on end–lucky!


The kids and I were so excited when Goliath Games contacted us to see if we wanted to try some of their toys out.  This 6-in-1 Travel Magnetic Games set immediately intrigued me.  The six games included are:

  • Checkers
  • Chess
  • Backgammon
  • Pahrcheesi
  • Chinese Checkers
  • Snakes and Ladders


The pieces are very tiny, and the magnets are not the strongest, so it might actually be best not to play with this in the car.  I do like how there are so many games in one compact toy, though.  I could see it being useful to play with while camping or in a hotel room.

n did a video review to show you how it works.  Please subscribe to our new YouTube channel here!

Also, be sure to enter our giveaway for a Goliath Games Paint-Sation Easel set, which ends tomorrow!

We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to Amazon.com and affiliated sites.

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50 Life Lessons for Grads Review + Giveaway

We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to Amazon.com and affiliated sites.

It is May, which means that graduation season is upon us.  My own daughter will be graduating from elementary school next month, and I can’t believe it.  Each graduation is a celebration of achievements and accomplishing goals, but it is also a time to look forward to what the future has in store.  In 50 Life Lessons for Grads, Surprising Advice from Recent Graduates, Janet Holm McHenry put together a book that is filled with sage advice for graduates, from graduates, about navigating life and its challenges.

Each life lesson is only a couple of pages, so it makes for easy reading.  There is also a corresponding Bible verse and practical suggestions for implementing each lesson in your everyday life.  I found many of the lessons applicable to my own life (e.g. Education is a lifelong process, Interruptions can be opportunities) even though I graduated many years ago!

Enter to win a copy of this book, along with a $5 Starbucks gift card.  This would make a practical and fun gift for a graduate in your life!


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Bridging from Juniors to Cadettes in San Francisco

The following is a guest post written by k.  This is the trip she raised money for by selling hundreds of boxes of Girl Scout cookies!

From the weekend April 27th to April 29th, I went to San Francisco with my Girl Scout troop to bridge, which means to move from one level to the next.  A lot of other Juniors crossed the Golden Gate bridge to move on to Cadettes as well.


Around 9:00 am, the whole troop flew up to San Francisco.  I sat next to two of my friends on the plane and had fun talking and eating snacks the whole way.


After we dropped off our bags at the hotel, we got on the boat to take us to Alcatraz.  It was cold and windy, mainly because we were on the third deck.  We were all excited to see the prison, especially since most of us have not been there before.

SF-Alcatraz sign

Everyone in my troop at Alcatraz Island.

SF Alcatraz Cell

We did an audio tour of Alcatraz that explained many things about the prison in great detail.  It was really interesting and had a lot of sound effects that made it really dramatic.  I had fun walking into the cells and seeing what the prisoners life was like when they were living there.

SF-Swearing In

We also did Junior Ranger books and earned a badge that is supposed to smell like a campfire.



There were a lot of seals on one dock in Pier 39, and one of the girls in my Girl Scout troop got really excited when she saw them because she really loves seals.

SF-Wharf sign

After getting dinner at Boudin, we decided to walk around the city to look around the shops and see interesting places in the city including Fisherman’s Wharf.


The next day, we had a to wait forever in order to get on the bridge.  This was because there were around 7,000 Girl Scouts waiting to cross the bridge.  10 and 11 year old girls were taking over the city!


Crossing the Golden Gate bridge.

SF-Bridge 2

This was our rest stop.  It was about 2/3 of the way through.

SF-GG lunch

When we finally made it across the bridge and got to Crissy field, we had a Panera box lunch after a lot of walking.

SF-cable car

Later, our troop had the chance to go on a cable car.  It was very crowded, but it was especially fun because we got to hang on the outside of the car.  It was also exciting because San Francisco has very steep streets which made the car go a lot faster.

SF-Fior dinner

After that, we went to Fior da Italia.  It was a great Italian restaurant and very fancy.  I ordered Fettuccine Alfredo, and it was so good.

SF-breakfast 2

This was the last breakfast at the hotel.


We saw the most crooked street in the world.  I cannot imagine living in a house on this street.


The Ghirardelli shop was our last stop.  There was so much chocolate in the store!  We got an ice cream sundae to split between the troop and it was very sweet and had a lot of chocolate components.  Overall, it was a great weekend.

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ExpoWest: Lemon Beverage Edition + Book Recommendation

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I am still going through all of the products I tried at ExpoWest.  I thought it would be fun to review them by category.  These are the lemon-flavored beverages that I tried.


Hubert’s Lemonade, Honest Sport (Lemon); Steaz Half and Half (Green Tea & Lemonade); Smart Kids Organic Lemonade

We brought the Hubert’s Lemonade to Citrus Ranch Park, which sits at the base of a lemon grove.  This is the mango flavor, which adds a little twist to regular lemonade.  It contains sugar and stevia.  The packaging puts a smile on your face, and I have liked all of the flavors I have tried.  The bottles would be cute for a party.




Love the citrus-themed playground equipment!


The Honest Sport drink was a new discovery for me.  D likes drinks with electrolytes, and the kids will drink them occasionally too.  However, most of them have artificial colors.  This one is organic, and it still tastes good!

The Steaz Half and Half Green Tea and Lemonade was another new discovery.  I like the concept of half tea and half lemonade (love Arnold Palmers!) I also like green tea, so this is a good flavor combination for me.  There is 20 g of sugar (pure cane sugar), which is pretty high, but less than soda, at least.


My kids liked the Smart Kids Lemonade.  I do not let them drink juice everyday, so it is still considered a “treat”.  They may not appreciate that it is organic, but I do!  I also like that there is not added sugar.  The sweetness comes from apple juice!

Also, while we are on the topic of lemonade, I just wanted to recommend the book The Lemonade War.  I read this book to the kids at the beginning of the year, and we all enjoyed it.  I liked how it wove together sibling rivalry, friendships, and business concepts into a fun story.  I just saw on Amazon that it is part of a series, so we will have to check out the other books as well!

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Alpha Burritos Review + Giveaway #AlphaBurritos #AlphaFoods #momsmeet

I received this product for free from Moms Meet (momsmeet.com) to use and post my honest opinions.  Compensation for this post was provided and this page may contain affiliate links.

It seems like more and more people I know are either vegan or vegetarian.  I have also noticed that the grocery options for vegans and vegetarians have been rapidly expanding in response to this trend.  While the members of my family are all omnivores, we do have meatless meals about once a week.  I first heard about Alpha Burritos, 100% plant-based frozen burritos, at ExpoWest.  I recently tried these burritos with my family and I was curious to see if they could tell that they were meatless.


The Alpha Burritos come in four varieties: Mexicali, Philly Sandwich, Chicken Fajita and Pizza.  I was only able to find the Philly Sandwich and Pizza burritos at my local store.  (I saw that there were a couple of empty display boxes for the other flavors, so I guess they must be gaining in popularity?)


The kids wanted to try the Philly Sandwich burrito.  I did not show them the package or tell them that it was plant-based.

They both gave it a thumbs up, and neither of them suspected it was meatless.  k was impressed by the fluffiness of the tortilla.  I guess she has had her share of mediocre frozen burritos.  I thought n might not be a fan of the onions and green peppers, but he ate the whole thing!

D tried the Pizza burrito, and he immediately noticed that something was “different”.  I tried both types, and it did seem that the Pizza burrito was more obviously vegan, mostly because the vegetables were more prominent.  I am curious to see how the Mexicali and Chick’n Fajita flavors compare.

All of the varieties of Alpha Burritos are 300-320 calories, and contain 9-10 grams of fat, and 11 g of protein.  They are free of GMO’s, cholesterol, hormones, corn syrup, artificial preservatives, and all animal products.  Although I would consider them to be somewhat pricey for my family’s budget to just enjoy as a snack, they are reasonable if you consider them as part of a meal. I could see them being a good option to take to work or to have on hand for busy weeknights.  Plus, you cannot beat the convenience when you want something quick and healthy.  To find out if the Alpha Burritos are available near you, go to their store locator.  I am pleased to announce that I have a giveaway for a $25 Walmart gift card so you can try these Alpha Burritos for yourself!



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Our Children Are “Like Arrows”; Movie Review + Giveaway #LikeArrows #FlyBy

When conflict, rebellion, and resentment overwhelm their family, Charlie and Alice are forced to rethink their parenting strategy. In the process, they realize how critical intentionality and focus are when shaping and molding young lives. FamilyLife’s first feature film explores the challenges and joys that come with raising children. Through a journey that unfolds over 50 years, Charlie and Alice discover the unmistakable power of family. Together, they learn that knowing and living by God’s Word is what brings transformation and hope to any family.

I had an opportunity to watch a preview of this movie.  It follows a couple  on their journey from having their first baby to having great-grandchildren!  It was interesting to see them live through different stages of life.  In my own life, I realize how the baby/young child phase went by so quickly.  We are now entering the tween/teenager stage, and I see how our interactions are changing.  I liked how this movie emphasized that spiritual wisdom is more important than academic success and the importance of dads in their kids’ lives.  I found that the part talking about FamilyLife felt too much like a commercial, but I think the overall message of the movie is important for Christians and non-Christians alike.  Due to some mature content, I would not recommend this movie for young children.

To see if this movie is playing at a theater near you, check out this link.  If it is, enter to win two Fandango tickets to watch this movie on May 1 or May 3!

Disclosure (in accordance with the FTC’s 16 CFR, Part 255:  “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising”):  Many thanks to Propeller Consulting, LLC for providing this prize for the giveaway. Choice of winners and opinions are 100% my own and NOT influenced by monetary compensation. I did receive a sample of the product in exchange for this review and post. Only one entrant per mailing address, per giveaway.  If you have won a prize from our sponsor Propeller/FlyBy Promotions in the last 30 days on the same blog, you are not eligible to win.  Or if you have won the same prize on another blog, you are not eligible to win it again. Winner is subject to eligibility verification.

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