Satisfy Your Sweet Tooth In Little Tokyo

Little Tokyo in Los Angeles occupies a fairly small area, but it is still fun area to browse and explore.

I think this was our first time buying pastries at Cafe Dulce.  After this visit, this place will be a must stop anytime we are in the vicinity!

We tried the famed Green Tea Donut.

I am pretty much a fan of anything with vanilla custard.  Yum!!

We also tried the Green Tea Roti, which was described as being filled with melted buttercream.  It has a light cake-ish texture, and is hollow inside.  I did not feel as guilty eating this one-ha!  The matcha flavor came through nicely in both.  Definitely worth a try!

We picked up a quick lunch to go from Nijiya Market.  I think k could live off of onigiri.

D artfully divided the ginger onto his spicy tuna roll, so I had to take a picture.

We ended the day with fresh mochi ice cream from Mikawaya.  Coconut Pineapple for D and me, Salted Caramel for k and Cookies & Cream for n.  $1.50 per piece.

After our visit here, we realized that the kids have not been to Chinatown or K-town.  I guess we will have to plan another trip to L.A. in the near future.

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An Eye-Opening Experience at the Japanese American National Museum

Today was Free Museum Day, so I arranged for us to go to the Japanese American National Museum in downtown Los Angeles.

I do not think we had taken the kids here before.  It has been a while since I have been, as well.

We had discussed the subject of Japanese American internment with them, but I am not sure how much they understood.  This museum does an excellent job in depicting the Japanese American experience during that time.

This display of the living conditions in the internment camps is a real eye-opener.

A model of Manzanar, where my grandparents were interned.

Wow, these school chairs do not look very comfortable!

Had to take a picture with Kokeshi Hello Kitty!

For the record, n is 11 apples tall, k is 13 apples tall, L is 14 apples tall and D is 15 apples tall!

This was part of the project.  There were side by side pictures of people who identify as “Hapa” (part Japanese) and their reflections from fifteen years ago and now.

The Kaiju vs. Heroes exhibit showcased an extensive Japanese toy collection.

Taking a break outside in the courtyard.  If you are at all interested in learning more about Japanese American history, I recommend visiting this unique museum!

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Treat Your Gut Well: Dr. Ohhira’s Probiotics #MomsMeet

Disclosure: I received this product for free from Moms Meet ( to use and post my honest opinions. Compensation for this post was provided and this page may contain affiliate links.

It seems like the benefits of probiotics are being touted everywhere these days.  Over the past month or so I have had the opportunity to try Dr. Ohhira’s Probiotics.  What makes this brand of probiotics unique is that it contains prebiotics, probiotics and postbiotics that work together to improve your digestive health.  Now, I do not have any type of science background, so I will not attempt to explain how these “biotics” interact with one another.  However, after taking these probiotics for a month, I can feel the difference in my body.  I do not want to be guilty of sharing too much information, but I do feel more “regular”.

I am a fan of the natural ingredient list: fruits, vegetables, mushrooms and seaweed.   The capsules are also 100% vegetarian, gluten-free, non-dairy, and non-gmo.  Unlike most other probiotic products, Dr. Ohhira’s Probiotics are not grown in a laboratory.  Instead, they are fermented for three years and hand-made in Japan.  I appreciate that dedication to quality, especially when it comes to health supplements.

Dr. Ohhira’s Probiotics is available for purchase on

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Moms Meet WOW Summit 2018 Coming to Orange County + Giveaway

Disclosure: Samples were received. Compensation for this post was provided and this page may contain affiliate links.


I am so excited to share that Moms Meet WOW Summit 2018 will be held right here in Orange County, California, at the Hyatt Regency in Anaheim, on November 2-3, 2018.  I had the opportunity to attend this conference back in 2015 when it was held in San Diego.  It was my first time attending an event for moms and/or bloggers and I remember not really knowing what to expect.  However, it was such a wonderful experience to be surrounded by moms that had similar interests regarding natural products.  I came away from the conference feeling inspired to make better choices for my family.  I was also really excited to share my bag full of samples with my family and friends!

There are two types of passes available: Blogger Pass and General Admission. The Blogger Pass is good for both days, Friday, November 2 and Saturday, November 3.  Now that I am doing more sponsored posts for this blog and collaborating with brands, I am really excited to attend the blogger workshops being offered, such as:

• Nicky Omohundro: SEO: Going Beyond Yoast’s Green Button

• Carolina King: Leverage the Power of Pinterest to Increase your Blog Traffic

• Julie Cole: The Blog and Beyond: How Influencers Can Effectively Work with Brands

I feel like I have so much to learn as a blogger, so I am eager to receive advice and tips from those who have more experience than me.

There is also an exhibit hall with natural brands that are interested in connecting with bloggers and spreading the word about their products with moms.

Here is just a small sampling of some of the products that will be featured.  Personally, I am especially excited to connect with and learn more about Don’t Go Nuts, True Made Foods, OCHO Candy and Hippo Sak,  For a more extensive list of brands that will be represented, go here.

The General Admission Pass is for Saturday, November 3 only, and is open to all moms (as well as grandparents and dads!)  The speakers and topics will appeal to a more general audience, not just bloggers.  The exhibit hall will be open on this day as well.  The epic goody bags (worth more than $150!) will be handed out to everyone in attendance on Saturday, so you do not want to miss out!

Don’t these speakers and topics sound interesting?

• Dr. Bill Sears (Keynote): Your Top Parenting Questions, Answered!

• Dr. Jonny Bowden: From Vegan to Keto: Unpacking the Myths About Healthy Eating

• Leah Segedie: Green Enough: 101

• Lucy Riles: Balancing Romance and Motherhood

For all speakers and topics, visit

If you are interested in attending this year’s Moms Meet WOW Summit, register here and use code WOW30 at checkout to receive a 30% discount for an event pass (General Admission or Blogger).

In addition, Moms Meet is providing me with the opportunity to give away an event pass (General Admission or Blogger) to two of my readers.  Hope to see you there!

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Born To Wander: Book Review

Disclosure: I received this book as a Moody Newsroom Blogger.  All opinions are my own.

We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites.

You might be familiar with the classic hymn, “Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing”.  There is a part of the song that states:

Prone to wander, Lord, I feel it, Prone to leave the God I love. 

Born to Wander is a new book that takes a closer look at the times in our lives when we feel like we are wandering and have lost our sense of purpose.  Or for some, maybe that sense of purpose was never there to begin with.  The author, Michelle Van Loon, believes that all humans are born to wander.  For some, hard times push them into what seems like an endless period of wandering.  Van Loon looks to scripture to show that Christ is the answer for people who find themselves in the desert of life.  The Bible is full of examples of people in exile who have been uprooted from their homes and are searching for a place to settle down.  As believers, we can be secure in knowing that our ultimate home is with Jesus.  No matter where we might roam, He will guide us “home” if we follow Him.  This book shows how we can look to examples of God’s work in other peoples’ lives (both in the Bible and those around us) and to not lose hope when it feels like we are just aimlessly wandering through life.

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Hot or Cold? Cold Brew Coffee Your Way With Java House

Disclosure: I was provided free samples in exchange for an honest review.  All opinions are my own.

Over the years both D and I have become avid coffee drinkers.  We drink it hot or cold, pretty much year-round.  I usually make batches of cold brew coffee in the summertime.  I like the refreshing, smooth, less acidic flavor.  It is easy to make, but it does take about twelve hours to steep.  Therefore, I was excited to learn about the convenience of Java House Cold Brew Coffee.

Java House Cold Brew Coffee comes in pods, but these pods are unique because they contain liquid, not grounds.  The ingredient list is simple: Filtered Water, 100% Arabica Coffee.  That’s it!  No preservatives or other weird additives.

The manufacturing process is also simple, but the result is a delicious cup of cold brew coffee.  What is even better is that this cold brew coffee can be enjoyed either hot or cold.

We had the opportunity to try the following four varieties: Ethiopian (light roast), Sumatran (dark roast), Colombian (medium roast) and Decaf (medium roast).

Preparing the coffee cold could not be easier.  Peel off the lid, pour it in a cup and add cold water (no coffee maker needed!).  I could see this being handy for traveling.

I used our Hamilton Beach FlexBrew coffee maker to prepare the hot version.  It was a little trickier because I did not failed to read the directions and did not realize that the liquid would come out as soon as I inserted the pod (although I guess that should be obvious!)  As long as you have your mug ready as soon as the pod is inserted, there should not be any problems.  Cold or hot, it was delicious both ways!

I cannot wait for the weather to become cooler.  Reading with a cup of coffee and a little sweet snack on a chilly day is one of my favorite things to do!

Each 6-count box retails for $8.99 and can be found at,, or your local Wal-Mart store.  Java House is providing the opportunity for one of my readers to win a month’s supply of their cold brew coffee pods (1 box of each variety: Ethiopian, Colombian, Sumatran, and Decaf)!

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Celebrate National Read A Book Day With National Geographic Kids

I received this product for free from Moms Meet ( to use and post myhonest opinions. Compensation for this post was
provided and this page may contain affiliate links.

Did you know that today is National Read A Book Day?  I think reading a book should be done everyday, but it is nice that there is a day to celebrate its importance.  National Geographic Kids publishes a wide array of educational books that make reading fun for kids.

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Weird But True is a popular series published by National Geographic Kids.  We had the chance to review the tenth edition.  Just like the books before it, it is filled with interesting factoids such as “Research found that babies cry more in Britain, Canada and Italy than anywhere else in the world.  They cry the least in Denmark, Germany and Japan.”  Who knew?

The National Geographic Kids Almanac is another series that my kids have really enjoyed over the years.  It is filled with facts and photos about everything from animals to weather.  Even though a new edition is published every year, they keep the content fresh and exciting for curious young minds.

Many people associate National Geographic Kids with non-fiction books, but we just discovered that they also have a selection of fiction books.  The Nebula Secret is Book One of a new series called Explorer Academy.  This book is about a 12-year-old named Cruz Coronado.  Cruz and 23 other kids from around the world are enrolled at the Explorer Academy where there are in training to become world-class explorers.  Cruz must figure out clues to a family mystery and figure out why someone would be out to get him.

My son was very excited to read this book.  After he read the first chapter he said it was the best book he has ever read!  However, as he read on, he said there were some scary parts so I advised him not to read it at night.  Although this book is recommended for ages 8-12, I think it might be more appropriate for kids on the upper half of this spectrum.  I do appreciate how the book is inspired by real National Geographic explorers.  There are also secret symbols, codes, and puzzles hidden throughout the book, which add to the adventure.

To celebrate the launch of Explorer Academy, one lucky family will experience a spectacular ship-based expedition, just like the students at
Explorer Academy. The grand prize is a family trip for four to Alaska’s Inside Passage from National Geographic Expeditions. Enter the sweepstakes at

Finally, 1,001 Ways to Be Creative is a fun book to spark the imagination.  This book is for anyone who is looking for a source of “everyday inspiration”.  Life as an adult can become monotonous unless we make a conscious effort to infuse creativity into it.  Sometimes we think being creative is only for artists or those who have dedicated their lives to a craft.  However, this books shows the reader that being creative can be as simple as changing the order of our meals for one day.  (Personally, I am a big fan of breakfast for dinner!)

I hope that this list of books inspires you and your kids to read together and celebrate National Read A Book Day!

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A Morning In Crater Lake National Park

Originally, I had planned to take a boat tour around Crater Lake.  I had made reservations months in advance AND had pre-paid Xanterra, the park operator.  Because of our last minute change in plans due to the smoke, we decided to cancel.  The boat tour requires a steep hike down the caldera and back up, and I did not think that was a good idea given the poor air quality.  Luckily, we were able to use the phone in the Camp Store and Xanterra graciously refunded our money even though they usually require more advance notice! Instead,  we returned to Rim Village to see if we could have a less-smoky/hazy view of Crater Lake.

Unfortunately, it really was not any better than the day before.

We were able to do the short Lady of the Woods hike near the Steel Visitor Center.

Crater Lake

Someone likes having his picture taken!

A k-sized tree.

We did not encounter any other hikers.  It was so peaceful.  But, D and I did receive some mosquito bites.

Next stop: Lassen Volcanic National Park.

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Inspired Reading: The Spirit of God Illustrated Bible Review + Giveaway

We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites.

The Spirit of God Illustrated Bible, written by Doris Wynbeek Rikkers and illustrated by Fernando Juarez, is a book of Bible stories geared towards kids ages 4-8.  What makes this book unique is that it focuses on God’s Spirit, the oft-neglected part of the Trinity.  Kids often (understandably) do not have a clear understanding of God’s Spirit.  This book shows that God’s Spirit is present from Creation to the present and highlights the role of God’s Spirit through various stories from the Bible.

This beautifully illustrated hardback book recently published by Zonderkidz contains over forty stories from both the Old Testament and the New Testament and is a substantial 312 pages.  I think this book would be ideal for bedtime reading sessions and/or devotions.  It would make a wonderful gift for any child in your life, and I have a giveaway for one my readers to win a copy of their own!


Disclosure (in accordance with the FTC’s 16 CFR, Part 255:  “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising”):  Many thanks to Propeller Consulting, LLC for providing this prize for the giveaway.  Choice of winners and opinions are 100% my own and NOT influenced by monetary compensation.  I did receive a sample of the product in exchange for this review and post. Only one entrant per mailing address, per giveaway.  If you have won a prize from our sponsor Propeller/FlyBy Promotions in the last 30 days on the same blog, you are not eligible to win.  Or if you have won the same prize on another blog, you are not eligible to win it again.  Winner is subject to eligibility verification.

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Label It Or Lose It: Mabel’s Labels Review + Giveaway

Disclosure: Samples were provided in exchange for an honest review.  All opinions are my own.

With kids going back to school, now is the best time to make sure all of their personal belongings are labelled with their name.  In 2002, four moms noticed a need for durable, waterproof labels and tags for their children’s belongings.  They met this need by starting a company called Mabel’s Labels.  I am always inspired by entrepreneurial stories where people see a need in everyday life and take action.

I had the opportunity to try out the Ultimate Back-To-School Combo for my kids.  This ultra-handy pack includes:

  • 40 Mini Custom Name Stickers: 1-1/2″ x 5/16″
  • 70 Tag Mates™ Stick On Clothing Labels: 13/16″ x 3/8″
  • 16 Custom Shoe Stickers (8 pairs): 1.3″
  • 2 Personalized Mini Tags: 1-1/4″ x 3/4″

We were able to choose the name (of course), font, image, and color scheme.  This was the fun part for my kids.  Not surprisingly, my daughter chose the basketball design, and my son chose the soccer design.  When we received our package in the mail, I was impressed with how high-quality the labels and tags are.  I can tell that these labels have been designed to withstand heavy use.  They are dishwasher-safe, microwave-safe, laundry-safe and waterproof!

The tags are metal and are convenient to attach to a zipper, like here on my daughter’s backpack.

I am pleased to announce that Mabel’s Labels has generously offered to give away one School Label Pack ($42 value) to one of my readers.  The choices include: Ultimate Back to School Combo, Little Kid School Combo, Middle School Label Pack, Designer Label Pack, Mr. Men School Label Pack, or Hello Kitty School Label Pack.


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