Last week we put n on the balance bike and this week he is riding his 2-wheeler! Yesterday was his first time trying to ride on two wheels. He kept on falling, of course, and when we asked him if he wanted to take a break, he would just say no and kept going. He didn’t seem frustrated in the least. This video was taken this morning when we went to the park so that there would be more room for him to practice. He really took off! Now we’re thinking we should get him a boy’s 12″ bike instead of having him ride k’s hand-me-down pink princess bike. [Does anyone have one they want to sell/give away?] Meanwhile, k is riding a hand-me-down blue boy’s bike. We did give k a pink flower basket to add to her bike for her half-birthday, though. She enjoys giving her stuffed animals a ride. Soon D and I will have to get bikes too so we can do family rides!
Captain America @ The Great Park
This past Saturday D and I had date night to watch Captain America at The Great Park. In preparation for watching The Avengers, we have watched Ironman, Thor, and now Captain America. I believe the park has hosted summer movies for the past couple of years, but this was our first time, so we did not know what to expect. The website said the movie started at “dusk” which I was not sure about. Turns out it was about 8:20 p.m. Since the movie was two hours, this put us way past our regular bedtime, but it was a lot of fun and I would do it again.
We brought takeout from Zon Baguettes. We haven’t been there in a while, but I think they changed owners (they are also expanding into the space next door). I thought the grilled chicken sandwiches were better than before (more veggies, less weird mayo). The spring rolls were also really good (with peanut sauce, since the kids weren’t with us) and the Vietnamese iced coffee was strong! We arrived at 5:30 p.m., and there were only a few people there. We set up our Tommy Bahama chairs in the back of the first section.
The screen is inflatable. We watched them set it up.
There were signs that said that the middle front section is reserved for those on blankets and low-backed chairs.
I guess someone did not get the memo.
Tustin Police Open House
On Saturday we made a visit to the Tustin police station. According to our blog, the last police open house went to was in Cypress, four years ago. So, I guess this was n’s first police station visit. I like that I am able to look up past things we’ve done through our blog.
There were many similarities, including free hot dogs. There were also free popsicles from a new business in town, Archie’s. It is an ice cream store that is supposed to open next to Trader Joe’s next month. They were also giving free ice cream bars at the library today for the summer reading program kickoff. They’ve certainly been creating some goodwill in the community!
Even though D wasn’t too keen on the idea, we took a tour of the police station, just as in Cypress. The factoid that stood out to me most was that the chief of police has his own bathroom connected to his office. Impressive.
When I asked the kids what the favorite part of the day was they said it was the bounce house.
We’ll have to visit the fire station next.
There was a good turnout and we are very thankful for those who protect our community.
Mrs. Knott’s Chicken Dinner
A couple of weeks ago we went to Mrs. Knott’s for dinner. There is a BOGO in the Entertainment Book. Since we usually eat out around 5 p.m., we are not used to having to wait to be seated at restaurants. However, we did have to wait a bit since this place is so popular. D and I ate one time at the “to-go” annex but have never eaten in the dining room together. D remembers eating there with his parents once, which was probably over 25 years ago! We haven’t been to the amusement park part of Knott’s with the kids yet…maybe next year?
The fried chicken dinner is around $16. It comes with 4 pieces of chicken, 12 biscuits, salad, chicken noodle soup or cherry-rhubarb, mashed potatoes, corn or cabbage and boysenberry sherbet or pie. That is a ton of food, and we definitely did not have to order separate kids’ meals.
k liked the chicken noodle soup. We were curious about the cherry-rhubarb, but not curious enough to order it.
n liked the biscuits with butter and jam.
The boysenberry sherbet reminded me of the bumbleberry ice cream we had in Utah.
We took the pie to go. Isn’t the pie-slice holder so cute?
The fried chicken may not have been as gourmet as Thomas Keller’s, but value-wise, Mrs. Knott’s (especially with the BOGO) cannot be beat! I am happy to report that Mrs. Knott’s has retained its position on D’s list.
k’s Preschool Graduation
It’s been a little over a week since k’s last day of preschool. I still cannot believe that she will be going to Kindergarten in the fall. k’s preschool had a “June Celebration” performance as a good-bye. k’s class sang “Dancin’ In the Street”.
k and her teacher.
Next year, n will be up on that stage!
A Happy Father’s Day
Last weekend we celebrated Father’s Day with my dad at my parents’ house.
k and n love their “Baba” and I am so thankful he is able to be part of their lives.
Today we celebrated D’s role as a father.
Before we had kids I wasn’t sure how D would be as a father (no one can really be sure, can they?) However, I am so grateful that D is a wonderful one, and k and n are very fortunate.
Crystal Cove State Park: El Moro Canyon
For Father’s day weekend, one of my gifts from L was allowing me to run by myself wherever I wanted to go. So I decided to go to Crystal Cove a couple of weeks ago. I thought of running along the ocean, but decided against it yesterday after realizing the trail isn’t very long. My co-worker reminded me of El Moro Canyon. I took Jamboree to PCH and then took a left where there is a school and parking for the State Park. The parking lot and facilities are nice and new. Using my State Park pass, which expires this month, the parking was free! I was glad I found the parking and now I just needed to find the trails. After running a little while I ran into a couple of signs and finally figured out where I was going. I ended up taking the El Moro Ridge trail. The trail is really steep at the beginning, but the view of the ocean was amazing. After a steep climb, the trail eases off and it is fairly flat. It was great trail running on dirt and asphalt. I saw a few rabbits that liked to run right in front of you. There weren’t too many people and the weather was perfect; overcast and cool. On the way back, I saw the Laguna Beach mansions on the hills. The downhill was tough on the quads, but the view was well worth it. I think this running trail was the best I have ever been on. It was long and peaceful with beautiful ocean and canyon views. Probably second on my list is Huntington Beach to Newport Beach. It is long and you are right by the ocean; however you are close to a parking lot and it gets crowded. Third is probably 17 mile drive in Pebble Beach. It probably has the best views, but the trail is short before hitting either a golf course or roads. I hope to run this trail again. Maybe an annual Father’s Day tradition. Happy Father’s day to all the fathers out there!
Doheny Beach
We are winding down on our state park pass, so we wanted to squeeze in a few more trips to the beach. When we were in the Doheny parking lot, I noticed that the vast majority of cars/trucks had roof racks. That wasn’t too strange, considering we were at the beach. But then, as we walked towards the sand, we saw that there was a paddleboarding competition going on. Now it all made sense!
The race took about an hour. I was getting tired just waiting for them to return.
Doesn’t this tattoo look so painful? As the recipient of two epidurals, I cannot even begin to imagine!
Let Me Hold You Longer
Today was k’s last day of preschool.
Less than two years ago she was headed off to her first day of preschool!
A few days ago I was reading this book to k and n, which I checked out from our church’s library.
It talks about how we, as parents tend to focus on the “firsts”: first smile, teeth, steps, etc. However, when our kids grow up, we’ll be left thinking about their “lasts”: last time we carried them, last time they crawled into bed with us, etc. When I finished the book, I kind of sighed and remarked, “Isn’t that so sad?” I started to read another book and then I noticed k’s eyes were filled with tears. When I asked her what was wrong the tears spilled out and she couldn’t answer. I guessed that the book made her sad, and she just nodded. I tried to comfort her, telling her that we still have a lot of years left together and she slowly calmed down. What a sensitive little girl k is!
The last line states, “Let me hold on longer, God, to every precious last.” What a good reminder on those frustrating days that seem like they will never end!
National Donut Day
It’s been a while since we celebrated a national food holiday. Last Friday I took the kids to Krispy Kreme for our free donut in celebration of national donut day.
We waited in anticipation for the donuts to enter the frosting shower.
I took a risk and ordered the flavor of the month, key lime pie. Next time I will stick with my tried and true favorite: chocolate frosting with custard filling.
The kids both picked chocolate frosting with sprinkles.
This is how n eats donuts—haha.