DVNP: Furnace Creek Resort

D and I just returned from a trip to Las Vegas, but I will wrap up our Death Valley posts first.

For lunch on Sunday we ate at the 49er Café in Furnace Creek Ranch.  This was the design on the tables:



Turkey sandwich and hamburger on a pretzel bun.  Overpriced…nothing too exciting.


After lunch, we bought a day pass to the pool/showers for $5 a person.  The pool was fed by warm springs, and the water was quite warm.


The kids had fun at the little park nearby.

Next we stopped by Furnace Creek Inn, a sister property that is more upscale.


For dinner, we made ramen with veggies.


The next morning, we packed up and left in the morning.  D chatted up our neighbors and talked to one young family that is trying to visit every national park.  What an ambitious and inspiring goal!

On the way home, we stopped by Lola’s Kitchen in Barstow.



We shared a breakfast burrito and a carne asada burrito.  Both were fine, but I am not quite sure what all the Yelp hype is about.  Maybe there’s not much competition in Barstow?

I didn’t have as much fun planning for this trip since the food options were so limited.  However, I was impressed with the stark beauty of Death Valley and liked how there was plenty of hiking options for small kids.  I was also excited to add one more cancellation to my national park passport.  D and I are already discussing where to go next!

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DVNP: Salt Creek and Harmony Borax Works

Our next stop was the Salt Creek Interpretive Trail.  It is hard to believe that a creek could exist in Death Valley.  Even more incredible is that there is a species called Pupfish that live in the creek, that is only found in Death Valley.  Unfortunately, they can only be seen in February/March, so there were none to be found.


The boardwalk was a nice change of pace from walking on dirt/sand/rock.



At the end, the kids were counting the planks, just like I used to count the planks on the Seal Beach pier.

Our final stop was Harmony Borax Works, the site of the old borax processing plant.  By this time, the kids were really running out of steam, but it didn’t take long to look at the old equipment.



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DVNP: Mesquite Flat Sand Dunes & Mosaic Canyon

The overnight temperature was probably in the 50’s—not too bad at all.  Everyone had a good night’s sleep except for me.  I guess I am the light sleeper of the family.  At least I was able to sleep better the second night.  For breakfast we had quesadillas and fruit.  We were able to leave the campsite by 7:30 a.m.

Our first stop was the Mesquite Flat Sand Dunes.  This was the kids’ favorite part of the trip.


There are no trails, so the book I read said to just keep looking back so you can keep track of where the parking lot is.


It was like a huge sandbox!  The kids ended up walking in their socks because they kept on complaining about sand in their shoes.




Hiking in sand is pretty difficult, and n tired himself out early, so we weren’t able to go too far.

Our next stop was my favorite, Mosaic Canyon.


This was a short hike, about 1.0 mile roundtrip.



n found this rock that he thought was shaped like a mitten and carried it with him along the hike.



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DVNP: Furnace Creek Campground, Badwater Basin, Artist’s Palette & Golden Canyon

Maybe it was because my expectations were not that high, but the Furnace Creek Campground wins for “Most Pleasant Surprise”.  We reserved campsite #108.  This whole row of campsites had plenty of shady trees; it felt like each campsite had its own mini forest!


Checking out the campsite.


Taking a break while Daddy set up the tent.



Our tent was also the perfect distance from the restroom—approx. 100 ft.–score!


Inside shot, for those who may be curious.  After setting up camp, we did some exploring.


Our first stop was Badwater Basin, the lowest point in North America.



The white sign says “Sea Level”.  Our camera was not powerful enough to take a non-blurry shot.


D really wanted to taste the salt, but thankfully, he resisted.


We witnessed a boy scout leader yell at his troop for going off of the marked path despite this sign:



Our next destination was Artist’s Palette, which is a one-way scenic drive.  It was a bit longer than I thought.  At one point I actually wondered if we had taken a wrong turn.  Being that it was one-way, there was no turning back.


Note the green color—I believe that is why the Artist’s Palette received its name.


Our final stop was to hike Golden Canyon.  It was a 2.0 mile hike, which we began at 3:50 and finished at 4:45.  The mountains blocked the sun earlier than I thought, but we could still see fine.  The diminishing light actually made everything more picturesque and “golden”, if you will.





Love how you can see the moon in this picture!


By the time we arrived at the turnaround point, the kids (especially n), were done.  We decided against the additional .25 mi to see Red Cathedral, but we could see it in the distance.



The kids thought this rock looked like a frog/turtle.


Heading back.

We ended up cooking dinner in the dark and ate dinner in the dark.  Hence, no pictures of our hot dogs and chili.

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Death Valley National Park: Zabriskie Point and Visitors Center

Today we returned from a two-night trip to Death Valley National Park over Veteran’s Day weekend.  I know Death Valley may not top most people’s “must-see” list.  Neither D nor I had ever been before, so we thought, why not?  The weather was actually quite nice and there were plenty of sights to see.  It took us about 4.5 hours, with stops in Barstow, Baker, and Shoshone.


We continued our tradition of taking a picture of the welcome sign.  (This picture was actually taken today, on our way out of the park, since we missed it coming in).


We picked a good weekend to go!

Our first (unplanned) stop was Zabriskie Point.  I am not sure why I overlooked this stop in my initial plan.  We saw a bunch of cars on a turnoff not too far from the main road and decided to stop.


I believe this is the “point”, noted for its various colors.



At first, I thought this was the “point”.



We really appreciated the cloud cover.


Do the kids look different?  n recently had his first professional haircut and k lost one of her upper front teeth and has a big gap.


Our next stop was the Furnace Creek Visitor Center.  As you can see, the temperature was quite moderate, although by the time we left, the temperature had risen to 82 degrees.


The visitor center had informative displays, along with an impressive movie theater and short film about the park.  (n fell asleep again-ha!)


The kids earned their junior ranger badge, as shown here.  It took some coaxing for k to ask the ranger some questions, which was one of the requirements.  However, I knew she would be sad if only n earned the badge, so I am glad she overcame her shyness.  n was pleasantly surprised with the plastic badge, and commented, “I thought I was only going to get a sticker!”  Now they can add the pin to their Zion junior ranger pin on their Christmas stocking.



We packed some sandwiches/carrots/chips for lunch and ate on the picnic tables outside of the Visitors Center.  Our campsite awaited us!

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On Saturday morning, after D took the kids to the Home Depot Kids’ Workshop, we all went to Boomers to play a round of miniature golf.  We had free tickets courtesy of the OC Register.


The kids are not yet at the stage where score-keeping is a practical idea, but it was a fun family activity. 

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Post-Halloween Wrap-Up

Halloween was busy, like last year.  k had a school parade and classroom festivities that I was able to attend.



k’s room mom did a nice job making the classroom festive!


Mr. B was batman!



After school we went to a community event.


n opted for shorts because is was still quite warm.


At night we took the kids trick or treating around the neighborhood after a pizza party at the pool.  I practiced with them beforehand, to make sure that they would say “Trick or Treat” and “Thank you!”  However, I failed to talk to them about doorbell etiquette, and how only one person should ring the doorbell.  They both wanted to do it, so we had to keep track of whose turn it was.  This method took a while to perfect, so hopefully our neighbors were not too annoyed. 

Today, I had this funny conversation with n.

n: “Did you know that foot butter has nuts?”

L: “Foot butter? What’s that? (racking my brain)…”Oh, you mean Butterfingers?” 

n: “Yes, that’s what I meant.”

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LACMA With Kids

On Sunday we went on an excursion outside of the Orange curtain.  After church we drove to LA to visit the Los Angeles County Museum of Art

First, we ate lunch at Plancha.  We ordered two chicken tacos, one steak taco, one tilapia taco, one shrimp taco and a breakfast burrito. 



The shrimp taco was the best.  The chicken was too healthy/bland.  The breakfast burrito was hearty and filling.

Stomachs filled, k asked if she should go to sleep in the car afterward, thinking we were going home.  I thought it was funny that she thought we drove all that way just to eat at that restaurant.

We found free street parking off of Sixth street since it was Sunday.  We walked past the La Brea Tar Pits and found the LACMA campus.  There is a program called NEXGEN which allows kids under 18 years old to get a membership pass (good until they are 18) for free.  Best of all, each kid with a pass gets a free adult admission.  In other words, we didn’t have to pay anything. 



D and I had been to LACMA during our early married-pre-kids stage of life when we lived in L.A.  Oh, how that seems so long ago!


Our first stop was to see a piece called Metropolis.  It consists of a bunch of buildings and roadways with cars, buses, trains, etc.  The best part is that it is put in motion during certain hours.  I made sure we were there for the 12:30 flip of the switches. 


Shortly after D put n on his shoulders, we were informed that this was NOT allowed.  There is an upper balcony if you want a bird’s eye view, though.


“How do we get out of here?”


Next, we went to see an outdoor installation of lampposts.



Then, we went to the children’s workshop area.




n was quite pleased because he said this was the first time he ever painted.  That is not true, but it is true that I don’t really enjoy the mess that comes with painting at home, so I appreciate when they have the opportunity to paint somewhere else. 


Finally, we stopped off at another outdoor installation that looks like pasta.  At first, it was roped off, but later on it was open and the kids were going crazy with it.



Who knew that plastic tubing could be so much fun?  We were amazed at how strong it was, considering the kids were swinging on it like vines.


On the way back, we stopped to look at one of the La Brea tar pits.  D checked it off of his 1,000 places to see, even though we didn’t go to the actual museum.


I just now realized that we forgot to see Levitated Mass.  Oh well, I guess we have until the kids are 18 to go back and see it.  And, given the lengths it took to install that particular piece, I don’t think it is going anywhere anytime soon!

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Blocktober @ Saddleback Irvine

Saturday was busy for us.  After going to the Great Park, we went home, the kids took a nap, and then I took them to our local library’s Halloween story time/craft time.  That night we went to Blocktober, which was sponsored by Saddleback Irvine.  We were able to meet up with my sister’s family, so that was nice.

One thing I was excited for the kids to participate in was Trunk or Treat.  Different groups and families decorated the backs of their cars or vans and handed out candy to the kids.  Some even had games to play.  I enjoyed seeing the creative ideas.



This car was decorated by one of k’s former preschool teachers.  Cute!


One car had cupcake decorating.  That was a popular one!


There were a lot of other activities as well.  The kids had fun on the giant slide…and the rock climbing wall!


Oh yeah, and D had fun too!


Cousin j was a cute safari/explorer type person.


More bouncin’…


More slidin’…


Pretty sunset


There were even pony rides!


And we saw Junko at the end! 

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How to Beat the Crowds @ Orange County Great Park Halloween


It was a foggy Saturday morning. 


The Halloween celebration was supposed to start at 9:00 a.m., so we left the house at 8:30.  By the time we got in line, I would say there was a good 50 people in front of us.  We brought our canned food for Second Harvest so that the kids could do a little “extra” trick or treating.  D and I strategized about our plan of attack and we decided trick or treating first, pumpkin patch second.  D made a beeline to the trick or treating area, and he was running, pulling both kids in the wagon.


Totally not necessary.  But, out of the thousands of people that attended the event, guess who was the very first family to go through the trick of treating section?  Yep, that would be us.  I thought the trick or treating was not as good this year.  Last year the adults were given some treats too.  I understand the cutbacks, though, given the overwhelming popularity of the event. 

Next we headed to the pumpkin patch.  A line had formed by this time, but it moved fairly quickly.  They also set it up closer to the trick or treating section this year, so that was convenient. 


Next, we headed to Palm Court for the carnival-type games.  Everyone wins the small toy prizes, so the kids weren’t shy about participating.


For some reason, k was reluctant to try the cake walk, however.  Our whole family participated, so I was not sure why she did not want to.  When the music stopped, she ended up being on the same number as another boy.  Spot 16 was open, so we told her to go stand on it.  Guess which was one of the winning numbers?  16!


Her prize was three cookies, which we shared at home. 


We also watched a cooking demonstration by the self-proclaimed “Asian Martha Stewart”.  Sadly, no samples of the food were given out.  In fact, she kind of mocked us for wanting samples.  Kind of disappointing.


n was complaining he was hungry, so we bought two bags of $1 popcorn. 

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