Ikea Birthday Party

We are still recovering from our vacation on the Big Island.  Before I blog on that, I wanted to write about the monthly birthday party that Ikea puts on for kids.  I had signed up for n earlier this year, but someone was sick (can’t remember who), so we had to cancel.  This month, I signed up for k.  You can bring a maximum of 2 adults and 3 kids and it is entirely free.


We started out by making cute snowman photo frames.


Petals the Clown was running the show.  She did face/arm painting for all of the kids.



She also did a magic show, which the kids enjoyed.



(k is smiling funny because I told her to show her missing tooth, which she lost just a few days before).


Each birthday kid received an art set—cool!


The kids each received a kids meal.  The choice was either a hot dog or pizza, so I ordered one of both and had them split.  They had extra meals in the end, so I had a piece of pizza too!


There was also birthday cake for everyone (adults too).  It was a black forest cake with cherry filling, and was actually really good!  I hope they still have these celebrations for n’s birthday next year.

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Christmas Program, Santa & k’s (Early) Birthday


The kids sang during our church’s annual Christmas program.


On Sunday afternoon, k went to a classmate’s birthday party @ Pump It Up!  We made it back in time to see Santa at the pool.


Not sure why n is wearing his tie on his jeans.


Then we went straight to my parents’ house for an early celebration of k’s 7th birthday.  The cake topper is a HK ornament she can add to her Christmas collection.




Seven years.  Oh my.

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Christmas Fun

Here are some glimpses of our Christmas merriment:




These Chocolate & Cranberry Rolls from Trader Joe’s are SO GOOD!  In the store, they were toasting them up and putting a little butter on them.  I would suggest you do the same.


I made 48 reindeer cupcakes for a kids’ Christmas party.  This was my original, based on an idea found on Pinterest.  It looked kind of goofy, so I modified it to this:


Much cuter, no?


We visited this house at 2351 Caper Tree Drive in Tustin after reading an article in the OC Register about the over-the-top decorations.  You have to see this guy’s garage:


CRAZY!  He collects canned food for donations, which I thought was a nice gesture. 



Watching the kids ooh and aah over the little details together really warmed my heart.  k even put her arm around n while they were talking about everything, and it was just too cute. 

The house is on a cul de sac, and a few of the other houses have pretty impressive displays as well, including one that is synchronized to music.  If you are in the area, I suggest you check it out. 

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Knott’s Merry Farm

While we were all well, we went to KBF to see the Christmas decorations and see Snoopy on Ice.  The kids did not remember seeing the show from last year (I think they fell asleep), so it was all-new to them.



Afterward we ate at Paul’s Place, home of THE BEST fried zucchini. 

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We’re Well

It turns out I spoke waaay too soon when I said it was fortunate that the rest of our family did not get sick.  k was better for a full week, and then n got the stomach flu.  I was the next victim, with D following not far behind.  It was really awful, but we’re better now, thank goodness. 

The Christmas season is upon us, and there is a lot to do.  Yesterday I went to a women’s breakfast at church, and our whole family went to a Christmas concert/play at a local church in the evening.  Both of these events helped to focus my heart on Jesus’ birth, which is often lost in the busyness of the season.


A Christmas vignette from k’s room.

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Aquarium of the Pacific

Unfortunately, I spoke to soon about our house being “recovered”.  n woke up sick last night so it looks like we’re in for round two. Sad smile

On Black Friday, we went to Long Beach’s Aquarium of the Pacific since we had free adult tickets that could only be used during the weekdays.  I was worried about crowds, but we went nice and early (arrived just before the 9 a.m. opening), and we had many of the exhibits to ourselves.  By the time we left, it was definitely more crowded.  It was a rainy day, so the aquarium was the perfect outing (except that the Lorikeet exhibit was closed).

I think this was our first visit to an aquarium where the kids seemed really interested/excited to see all of the sea creatures.  Their enthusiasm definitely made our trip more fun!  As you can see, I kind of went camera-crazy.  There were just too many photo ops!





A sea-themed Christmas tree…



The kids were fascinated by the moray eels.  k said they were so ugly she never wanted to see them again, but then decided she had to backtrack three minutes later to take another look. 


I think I have mentioned this before, but seahorses freak me out.




The kids were too scared to touch the rays. 


We witnessed a puffin feeding—worms and shrimp.







These rock fish crack me up.



I thought these sea dragons were weird, until we saw this…


Leafy seadragon—wow.  God’s creativity is truly amazing. 

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Giving Thanks

We had a nice Thanksgiving dinner at my parents’ house two days ago.  My BIL made a delicious turkey, my sister made a scrumptious pumpkin cheesecake, and I volunteered for the easy sides: asparagus, rolls and salad.  My mom made the rest of the sides, and it all turned out well, I thought.


We started out with an early afternoon walk around Peters Canyon, which has become a sort of tradition.  It was good to burn off some calories pre-dinner.





Cousin love—(maybe a little too much!)




Kids’ table




“Oh give thanks to the Lord, for he is good, for his steadfast love endures forever!”—Psalm 107:1.

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As previously mentioned, k was sick with the stomach flu two weeks ago, pretty much from Wed.-Sat. night.  Fortunately, none of us caught it, and she has fully recovered.


n wrote this sweet letter to k, completely of his own volition.  (I helped with the spelling, though.)


Since we were stuck at home, I broke out the Lego Holiday Post Office Set I received last year.  Working on a set that is designed for twelve years + with a six year old and a four year old is not the easiest thing in the world.


I’ll have to take a picture when it is done—we’re still working on it.


Luckily, k was recovered in time to go on her Girl Scout field trip to Logan’s Candies in Ontario.  She was able to form her own warm candy cane!

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Las Vegas Rock ‘N Roll Marathon, Part II

We currently have a sick child at home (k) and are crossing our fingers that it does not spread.  I do not mind being home all day when it is raining/cold, however, so that is one positive.

Back to our Vegas trip, the marathon was scheduled to start at 4:30 p.m.  Therefore, D was supposed to carbo-load in the morning, as opposed to the night before.  I had purchased two Spice Market (Planet Hollywood) brunch buffet passes from Groupon before, so that is where we went.


We were a little early for the brunch, so we started out with the breakfast items and paced ourselves for the brunch (more savory) items.  I thought the selection was good, and they had a lot of fruit and vegetables too (although not pictured here).

D mostly skipped dessert, but I had to sample some, of course.  The specialty was cupcakes, but the dulce de leche one I tried was not very good—too dry.  I did enjoy the crème brulee, though.


We took a post-brunch, pre-race nap.  Lunch was not necessary, of course. 


We walked the start area and D met up with his fellow Mazda runners.  

We had access to the VIP tent, which was nice.  Unfortunately, D did not have access to the VIP bathrooms. Sad smile




The All-American Rejects put on a concert.


The race starts at the southern part of the Strip, and all traffic was diverted.


I tried to spot D, but I could not find him in the crowd of runners, which included several Elvis’, tutus and superheroes.


Since I had a few hours to wait, I went back to our hotel room and watched local news coverage of the race on tv.


I met up with D at the post-race VIP tent at Serendipity @ Caesar’s Palace.  D finished with a second-best time of 4:14:34!


I ate some Chinese chicken salad while I was waiting for him.  By the time D finished, there was only sandwich fixings and some pizza.  We also tried a shot of the famed Frozen Hot Chocolate. D wasn’t too hungry, and took the sandwich I had made for him back to the hotel.


After we returned to the hotel, I realized that I hadn’t taken a picture of D’s medal.  Here’s D’s “rock ‘n roll” pose.


On the way home the next morning, we stopped in Barstow to visit the newly opened Dunkin’ Donuts.  I hear people in California can’t wait for a DD to open, but I didn’t really see how they were special.  The famed coffee was just ok, too.  (BTW, don’t be deterred if you see a bunch of tour buses in the parking lot.  We were almost not going to go into Barstow Station when we saw four buses in the parking lot.  However, there wasn’t even a single person in line for DD!)

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Las Vegas Rock ‘N Roll Marathon

As mentioned before, D ran the Las Vegas Rock ‘N Roll Marathon this past Sunday.  We left for Vegas on Saturday morning, while my parents took the kids to Disneyland—lucky kids! 

We went to the Las Vegas Convention Center to go to the expo so D could pick up his bib.  Mazda had an impressive booth, which included a picture booth that makes you look like you’re running fast by blowing wind into your face.


There was also a fueling station with some sort of berry infused water and granola bars.


Outside, they were offering test drives.


We tried to check into our room early, but it was a no-go.  They did allow us to pre-register, so we just had to call in at 3:00 for our room number.


It was the perfect opportunity to go to Planet Hollywood and share a sandwich from Earl of Sandwich.  Chicken chipotle avocado—yum!


Afterward we checked into our room at New York New York.  With the resort fees/taxes, it was more spendy than we would have liked.  The room was nice, though, and it didn’t seem as smoky as the Rio in the casino.  The location was also pretty good, as it was in between the start and finish lines of the race.




This is just some of the swag D received for running the race.  Very nice.

We were also invited to a nice dinner at an Italian restaurant called Zefferino’s, located in the Venetian.




The food was absolutely delicious.  The waiter started us off with appetizers to share.  For our entrees, D had fettuccine with crab meat, shrimp and lobster.  I had sea bass with lobster tail—wow.  This was definitely a highlight of the trip, and I was able to meet some of D’s co-workers.     

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