We finished the puzzle a couple of weeks ago. No pieces missing this time—yay! I can’t bring myself to take it apart, but we will soon. Next up, Yellowstone!
Despicable Me 2 @ The Great Park
Saturday night we went to another movie at The Great Park. This time it was Despicable Me 2. Again, we watched Despicable Me at home in preparation.
We ran into friends, so k and n had fun going back and forth from our spot to theirs to visit them. They even surprised k and n with popcorn from the snack stand, much to their delight.
photo credit: Brad Morikawa
I wish I could take pictures like these!
Bridging Ceremony
On Saturday, k officially bridged from Daises to Brownies. The ceremony took place at the Heritage Museum of Orange County.
k received a perfect attendance award for the year.
Each girl took turns crossing the mini bridge.
Afterward there was a little party.
Bridging from Daisies to Brownies—get it?
Little brother table.
n enjoying the benefits of having a big sister in Girl Scouts.
Father’s Day Lunch
I didn’t really think about it until going through my pictures, but we sort of had an “all-American” Father’s day lunch at my parents house. From my mom’s patriotic table runner to hamburgers and strawberry shortcake.
After lunch: D and my dad watching soccer, my mom, sister, k and n playing a new game, and me falling asleep on the couch.
How To Train Your Dragon 2 (sponsored)*
Starting this Friday, June 13th, the second chapter of DreamWorks Animation’s beloved How to Train Your Dragon franchise is soaring to all IMAX theatres domestically in select engagements. The IMAX 3D release will be digitally re-mastered into the image and sound quality of The IMAX Experience®, creating a unique environment that will make audiences feel as though they are flying alongside heroic Viking Hiccup and his faithful dragon, Toothless.
Jay Baruchel, Gerard Butler, Craig Ferguson, America Ferrera, Jonah Hill, T.J. Miller, Christopher Mintz-Plasse and Kristen Wiig reprise their respective voice roles, joined this time by Academy Award® winner Cate Blanchett, Djimon Honsou and Kit Harington.
*Information provided by IMAX
An Ode to Yogurtland
I guess n is not the only fan of Yogurtland in our household!
Quality Time With My “Other Guy”
One thing that I know we should do more of is for D and I to take turns spending one-on-one time with k and n. Saturday night we had that chance because D took k to an Angels game with her girl scout troop. I ended up taking n to IHOP to redeem a coupon for a free “Rooty Tooty Fresh & Fruity” (“RTF&F”).
We had the place pretty much to ourselves. I guess no one really goes to IHOP at 5 p.m. on a Saturday night.
Sorry for the blurry picture. Did you know that they actually took the RTF&F off the menu? I thought that was their signature item?! It is still available as a secret off the menu special. I was surprised at the boatload of bacon they gave us. Maybe I am just too used to IKEA breakfasts!
As an added surprise, I took n to Yogurtland afterward. n was elated—it is not difficult to make him happy! We ended our night at home by reading tons of books on a bed of blankets on our living room floor. We fell asleep, and D and k joined us when they returned home after 11 p.m.! It was a nice night of mother-son bonding.
Tanaka Farms Birthday Party
Just when I thought I had my last visit to Tanaka Farms (at least for a while), k was invited to a classmate’s birthday party there. I would have had D bring her, since I’ve gone way more times than him, but he was scheduled to take to her to an Angels game that night. Going on a Saturday was actually way less chaotic than going on a weekday, when all of the school groups go. The tour was pretty much the same, but we were able to try some corn, straight off the cob, that was really sweet and juicy. I think that was a first.
All of the tour guides we have had have been very good, and this guy was no exception.
I thought it would be a little late in the season, but there were still a lot of ripe strawberries in the field.
Those are some gigantic sunflowers!
I’m always amazed when parents invite their kid’s whole class to their party. The birthday boy is on the very left.
Date Night @ SOCO
On Tuesday night, D and I were able to have date night on a weeknight, which is a rare occurrence for us.
No, we were not furniture shopping. As a kickoff to its outdoor movie series, SOCO offered tickets for a free pizza from Urban Pie.
D chose the Merguez sausage and I tried the Banh mi. The crust on both was so good, and the toppings were definitely interesting.
It was a nice night to be out and about.
We skipped Portola and instead stopped by at 85 degrees for a post-dinner treat of sea salt iced coffee and some pastries.
Tips For Watching Movies at the Great Park
Last Saturday the Great Park kicked off its annual free summer movie series with “Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs 2”. We prepared by reading the book at home and checking out the first Cloudy With A Chance of Meatballs movie from the library. This was our first time going with the kids. Last year D and I went by ourselves to watch Captain America. Now that we have some experience, I would like to share some tips.
1. How early should we get there? If you care about where you sit arrive early. Now, what is “early” you may ask. That is actually a good question, because the start time of the movie is not clear—the website just says “dusk”. In our experience, they start the movie just after 8 p.m. This time we arrived just after 6 p.m. and there was a good number of people already set up. My friend arrived at 5:45 and they got primo seating.
2. Where is the best place to sit? This is also a tricky question. It depends in part on your setup. There are basically three sections you can sit in. The front section, closest to the screen; the middle section, which is separated from the front section by a roped-off walkway; and the back section, which begins with the ledge. The front section is limited to low back chairs and people sitting on blankets. They really need signage to make this explicit. We saw several people start to set up high back chairs, only to be confronted by people in the middle section who told them this was not allowed. Lack of signage just makes it awkward for everyone. We usually bring our ubiquitous Costco Tommy Bahama chairs. Technically, I guess they would qualify as low back, but I prefer to sit in the middle section anyway. I think the front section would be too loud because you are right next to the speakers. I would say the ideal spot would be the very front of the middle section, so you are right next to the walkway. That way, no one can set up chairs right in front of you. Also, you are close to the walkway for easy access to the bathroom and at exiting at the end of the movie. Another good spot would be the first row of the back section, as you are slightly elevated, guaranteeing good sight lines.
3. What kind of food should I bring? Since it is best to arrive early, there is plenty of time to eat dinner. This is the most fun part, in my opinion. Feel free to bring anything, as there are no restrictions on outside food, coolers, wagons, etc.
This time, we opted for sandwiches from Capriotti’s. We saw people sharing whole pizzas, as well as buying food from the food trucks parked nearby.
For dessert we brought some of the mini pies we obtained at the Orchard Hills opening. They were from I LIke Pie in Claremont. These were so cute! Yes, they got smushed, but they were still tasty. Also, remember to bring snacks to eat during the movie, if you so desire. Also bring something to entertain the kids during the waiting time—cards, books, etc. Our kids had fun just running around the open grassy area.
4. Are there bathrooms nearby? Always an important question, especially with kids in tow. There used to be portable toilets, but now there is a building with bathrooms two buildings behind the viewing area. I would suggest waiting until about 7:30-7:45 to go, so no one has to go during the movie!
5. Remember to bring warm clothes and/or blankets. Even though it was quite warm during the day, it cooled off fairly quickly. The movies do not end until around 9:45, so be prepared!