Disclosure: I received a copy of these books in order to facilitate this review. All opinions are my own.
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Today I am reviewing three fun books for the new year from Ulysses Press. The first one is called The Big Book of 30-Day Challenges, by Rosanna Casper. The title immediately grabbed my attention because I like the idea of thirty day challenges. This book includes 60 such challenges, ranging from walking 10,000 steps to learning a foreign language. The challenges are divided into six categories:
- Fitness
- Food
- Self-Care
- Mindfulness
- Organization & Productivity
- Networking & Relationships
- Creativity & Learning
Even though each challenge is for only thirty days, the intent is that some of these challenges will become life-long habits that improve your quality of life.
The challenges range from “do-able” to seemingly impossible. For example, “Drink 8 to 10 Glasses of Water a Day” is something I know that I should do, but has always been a personal challenge. On the other hand, “Write a Novel” is a challenge that I do not ever intend, nor do I want to take! Even though not all of the challenges will appeal to everyone, the point is to pick the ones that speak to you. I like how the author offers helpful and practical tips specific to each challenge. I would recommend The Big Book of 30 Day Challenges for anyone looking to develop good habits for the new year.
Have you heard of bullet journaling? I have seen various samples on Instagram, but I have never tried it. Beyond Bullets by Megan Rutell, gives an excellent overview of various journaling styles and encourages creativity in the process.
I like how there are many different journaling styles included in the book. I am a visual person, so lists and charts appeal to me. Beyond Bullets inspired me to create a “Water Intake” chart (related to the challenge I want to take from the first book in this review!) Journaling is a tool that can help you organize your life and also be a creative outlet. Beyond Bullets is a wonderful guide to help you get started.
Finally, Twinkle, Twinkle, Social Media Star by Kate Kennedy, is a laugh-out-loud funny picture book about a mama bear teaching her baby bear the ins and outs of social media.
As a blogger, I must admit that I tend to obsess about my Instagram account. Many of the jokes hit a little too close to home, but that’s why this book is so hilarious! As the cover indicates, this book is meant to be “A Parody for Adults”. (My son n started reading it because he was curious, but most of the humor did not translate for him. Social media savvy teens would probably get it, though!) Give a copy of Twinkle, Twinkle, Social Media Star to the blogger/influencer/social media star that you know for some good laughs!

Beyond Bullets sounds the most interesting to me!
30 day challenge and the beyond bullets are both super interesting to me!
Honestly all 3 are very interesting. I love Twinkle Twinkle Little Social Media Star because I love Instagram and a good laugh but I could seriously use The 30 Day Challenge!
Beyond bullets
The Big Book of 30 Day Challenges would be my first choice.
I love a challenge, so the Book of 30 Day Challenges would be my choice
social media star 🙂
Beyond Bullets.
The Big Book of 30 Day Challenges would be my first choice!
Beyond Bullets sounds most interesting to me
I want to learn how to journal, so the Beyond Bullets book is what interests me.
Twinkle, Twinkle, Social Media Star by Kate Kennedy,looks like a fun book i would enjoy lolve learning new things
The Big Book of 30 Day Challenges has my name ALL over it!!!!
I love the beyond bullets book!
The The Big Book of 30-Day Challenges sounds pretty interesting. I would love to try out a few challenges.
Big Book of 30 Day Challenges – I’m always down for a challenge. 🙂
The Big Book of 30 Day Challenges sounds like it would be a great book for me!
The Book of 30 Day Challenges.
I think the Twinkle Twinkle social media star book looks interesting but they all look very helpful
I like the 30-day challenges book! I like a good challenge to mix things up a bit.
Twinkle Twinkle Social Media Star.
The 30 day challenges book is the one I am really interested in.
The Big Book of 30 Day challenges interest me the most.
Twinkle, Twinkle Social Media Star. Thank you for sharing. ❤❤❤
The Big Book of 30 Day Challenges.