5.10.20 (Sunday): Mother’s Day!
D bought an assortment of pastries from 85 degrees for breakfast. We watched our church service online. Dropped off a gift for my mom. Had a family Zoom meeting in the afternoon. Watched the second Disney at Home special at night.
5.11.20 (Monday): I went to Costco and stocked up (again). I now buy 6 half-gallon milk cartons at a time.
5.12.20 (Tuesday): We did a book swap with my nephew because n was complaining that he did not have anything to read. I have been really missing the library!
5.13.20 (Wednesday): k has been practicing her hand-lettering. It is interesting when your child becomes better at something than you. (Well both of my kids are better at sports than me, and that started at quite a young age-ha!)
5.14.20 (Thursday): Not much to report, so I will just post a couple of pictures of our first mini harvest.
5.15.20 (Friday):
The U.S. Air Force Thunderbirds did a flyover in honor of the front-line workers in Southern California. We went outside to look for them, along with some of our neighbors, but were not able to see them.
5.16.20 (Saturday): My dad turned 75 today! We dropped off his present at the house. My mom made his favorite, meatloaf!
I worked on a campaign with a quick turn-around. It involved camping in our backyard, which was a nice change of pace. I was afraid the raccoons would come out, but I did not hear them.
5.17.20 (Sunday):
Online church service in the morning.
k and I are almost done with our first Korean drama, Boys Over Flowers. It has been a good bonding time for us. n and D have been re-watching Star Wars.