Disclosure: I received a copy of this book in order to facilitate this review. All opinions are my own.
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Lies Girls Believe & The Truth That Sets Them Free, by Dannah Gresh, is part of a series called “Lies [fill in the blank] Believe”. There is a book for men, women, and young women. This book for girls is meant for girls 8-12 years old. I had k read this book and I read it as well. I find that reading the same books as your kids is a great way to open up communication lines.
Lies originated in the Garden of Eden and continue to this day. This book discusses lies that girls believe about God, myself, family, sin, being a girl, boys, friendship and the future. I like that there is a wide range of topics. Even if a girl may not personally be struggling in a certain area, she may have a friend that is. Or it may be an area that becomes a struggle a few years down the road. Lies Girls Believe contains advice that is Biblically-based and advice that I, as a mom, would want my daughter to hear. The fun graphics also make it an easy and engaging read. I would recommend this book for tween girls so that they can hold on to truth instead of being deceived by lies.