L read a lot of books on how to properly raise up children while she was pregnant. One book discussed how it was important for the wife and husband to acknowledge each other first when seeing each other after work as opposed to greeting the child first. This was because children need to see that their parents are in a good relationship and this was one of many ways to make the child feel secure.
Knowing that, I decided that I would give L a kiss sometimes when I got home from work or other opportune times. The first time I did this, k smiled as she watched. And she continues to. Tonight however, while D+L+k were having our group snuggle time. k gently put her hand on my face and pushed it towards L’s. So I obliged and gave L a kiss, and k smiled. I guess she does enjoy seeing that L and I have a great relationship. You know, sometimes you can learn things from parenting books.
I remember growing up that my parents routinely gave each other a kiss when my Dad came home from work. But I don’t think they ever read that book though.
S and I have been too lazy to read parenting books, so we appreicate any good parenting tips. This is a great idea! Thanks for sharing.
Awwwww….. đŸ™‚