Some people say that you can tell a good Asian restaurant by the number of Asian people dining there, i.e. the more the better. Well, if that is true, the Japanese restaurant we went to last night wasn’t very good. We went to a place called Agasse in Cypress. (I have never seen so many Caucasians in a Japanese restaurant before in my life!) D liked his rainbow roll well enough (the most raw fish he has ever eaten, according to him) but I thought my beef teryiaki was pretty mediocre. Both of our dinners came with a mini scoop of green tea ice cream, so that was nice. I actually like the beef bowl at Flame Broiler better (which is under $5!) D wanted me to take a picture of the rainbow bowl but I didn’t have my camera. So instead, here is a picture of the chicken/veggie bowl at Flame Broiler. This is the second year in a row we ate at a Japanese restaurant before going to Good Friday service…maybe it will become a tradition?