Screen-Free Playtime With #GoliathGames + Giveaway

Disclosure: Product provided in exchange for an honest review.  All opinions are my own.

When my kids get bored, it is natural for them to gravitate toward the iPad, a tablet or our Xbox for entertainment.  While I think that is fine in moderation, I have been trying to encourage them to play screen-free games as well.  Goliath Games is a company I have found that has a wide variety of “traditional” games that appeal to kids of all ages.  Today I am reviewing two of their most popular games.

The first game is Pop the Pig:


n has speech therapy at school to help him say his “r” sounds.  His speech teacher incorporates a lot of games into his group sessions, and this is one of them.  He was excited to play this game at home with k.


It looks like k was excited too!  To play, players take turns rolling the die.  Then you pop “hamburgers” into the pig’s mouth and push down on his head.  The more you pump, the more the pig’s belly grows until it suddenly pops!   Pop the Pig is designed for ages 4 and up, 2-6 players.

The second fun game is Catch the Fox:


First you roll the die to see how many chickens to add into the fox’s pockets.  Then, you push his head one time.  Like magic, the fox’s pants disappear and the chickens will roll everywhere!


Once the fox’s pants drop, it is a mad dash to pick up the chickens one by one and place them in the coop.


A victory dance!  Catch the Fox is for 2 to 4 players; ages 4 and up.

Both of these games are available on Amazon:

We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites.


I am excited to announce that Goliath Games is offering one of my readers the opportunity to win both Pop the Pig and Catch the Fox!


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A Fun Way to Develop Fine Motor Skills: Giggle Wiggle Review #GoliathGames

Disclosure: Product provided in exchange for an honest review.  All opinions are my own.

I work as a special needs paraeducator at my children’s school, and I have witnessed firsthand how games can be used to develop certain skills.  Giggle Wiggle is an example of a game my school uses that makes working on fine motor skills fun!


The concept is really simple:

  • Players race to place their colored marbles on the caterpillar’s hands while it sways to the music and spins.
  • The first player to get all their marbles on in a row wins!


It is nice that it comes with 7 marbles for each color, even though only 6 are needed.  The marbles really roll around, so it might be best to play on a carpeted area.  Also, the marbles look like candy, so make sure toddlers who still put things in their mouths are not in the vicinity.  The game requires 3 AA batteries, not included.

The music and giggling is cute, but I do wish there was a volume control–ha!  This game is designed for 2-4 players, ages 4+.  However, as you can see, my son enjoyed the challenge of placing the marbles on the caterpillar’s hands all by himself, too!

We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites.

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Fast-Paced Fun: Color Smash Review #GoliathGames

Disclosure: Product provided in exchange for an honest review.  All opinions are my own.

Summer vacation is here, and that means the kids will be looking for things to do at home.


Color Smash is a fast-paced, simple game.  You flip the cards, and if the color word on the card matches the color of the card, you slap it and you collect the stack.  If there is no color word, you leave the pile alone, and if the color name does not match the color of the card, you do not slap it.  If you accidentally slap a card, you place five of your cards back into the pile.


This is an easy game to teach to young kids, and it is small and portable.  Screen-free entertainment is always a good thing!

Color Smash is recommended for ages 5 and up, and 2-6 players.

We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites.

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Cleaner Cleaning: Quinn’s Pure Castile Organic Soap Review + Giveaway

Disclosure: I received product samples to facilitate this review.  All opinions are my own.

I have been on a quest to reduce the toxic chemicals in my home by evaluating my stash of personal care and cleaning supplies.  Quinn’s makes an organic castile soap made with certified organic argan, jojoba and hemp oils.  It is made with 100% biodegradable ingredients, so it is better for you and for the environment.

This 32 oz. bottle of Quinn’s Unscented Pure Castile Organic Soap is pretty hefty.  (I love the cute design of the packaging as well!)  There are so many uses for this soap.  A handy list is printed right on the box.  I am seriously going to keep this picture on my phone and save it as a reference.

I started out by making Multi-Purpose Cleaning Spray by mixing 1/8 cup castile soap with 2 cups of warm water.  I poured it into a spray bottle and made a label with my trusty label-maker.

I personally like that this version is unscented.  If you prefer scent, you can customize it with your favorite essential oil.  I think a citrus essential oil would also be nice for this multi-purpose cleaning spray.

Quinn’s products are sold exclusively on Amazon, and as you can see, I am not the only one giving this soap rave reviews.

We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites.

Quinn’s has generously agreed to give away a bottle of their castile soap to one of my readers!



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Circus Vargas @ The Orange County Great Park

I won tickets to opening night for Circus Vargas at the Orange County Great Park.  Unfortunately, D was traveling for work, and it was a school night (Thursday), but I took the kids anyway.  We only stayed until about 8:30, so we missed the Grand Finale, including the Flying Trapeze, but it was fun.



The tent was not too large, which was great for sight lines, but poor in terms of air circulation.  It was especially stuffy while we were waiting for the performance to begin, but seemed to improve once the show started.


Second row seats!



There was some amazing talent and stunts that made us cringe.  We missed D’s loud reactions/funny comments.

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Review of Fish Fest 2014

On Saturday afternoon we went to our second Fish Fest concert.  The last time we went was three years ago.  Looking back, I wonder what we were thinking bringing a two year old and a four year old.  Last time we sat in the lawn area.  This time we were in the Terrace, which is the section just in front of the lawn (the tickets are the same price).  I think I liked having seats better, although it really is just luck as to who you are sitting next to.  n ended up on my lap most of the time, so we were able to have an extra seat “space cushion”, if you will.

One big improvement was that Verizon Amphitheater now allows you to bring a 1 gallon plastic bag with food per person, and 1 sealed plastic water bottle (20 oz. or less).  This saved us a bunch of money, as we were able to bring dinner (sandwiches) and snacks.  We saw a lot of people upset about their blanket policy, however.  The security guards were saying the blankets had to be less than 4 feet by 4 feet, which is not stated on the website.  Not many blankets are this size, aside from baby blankets, but it is a good rule to keep in mind if we go again.

I will also note that when I saw D put a long sleeve shirt and a sweatshirt into the car, I made fun of him.  However, when we arrived, I realized we had forgotten k’s sweatshirt.  I let k borrow my sweatshirt, so I had to take back what I said when D was able to lend me his shirt to wear at night. 


As for the show, here are my opinions of the various performances:

Dara Maclean–not really familiar with her.  Her voice seemed “off”, not sure what was going on there.  Her songs were pretty good, though.

Jonathan Maclean—American sounding guy who claims he is from Sweden.  Nice keyboard playing and voice.

Plumb—Wow…they really “pumped up the volume”, and not in a good way.  I seriously thought I was going to go deaf.  I had to cover n’s delicate ears.  I had forgotten about their song called “Stranded”, which I used to like back in the day.  The lead’s performance was quite dramatic and engaging.


Graham Saber—Introduced a little hip hop flavor into Fish Fest, which I enjoyed.  A little cheesy, and a couple of the lyrics did not seem too “family-friendly” to me. 

Tenth Avenue North—They sang a lot of familiar songs, and the lead singer is quite the talker.  I was thankful that they were not over-the-top loud in volume even though they had the full band. 

Jeremy Camp—My favorite of the night!  His set was worth the ticket price alone, in my opinion.  He has so many good songs, at the end I was wondering “Why don’t I have any of his CDs?”  (I promptly added them to my Amazon wish list).  I must admit, I have become a *little* obsessed.  I’m planning on checking out his autobiography from the library.  His faith in God is very evident and inspiring, and he got quite emotional on stage, remembering his first wife (who died of cancer four months after they got married). 

Mercy Me—We made it through the first three songs, and decided to go home since it was getting quite late.  They have a lot of energy, but I have never been too into their songs. **(EDIT)** [D would like me to revise this statement and go on record to say that Mercy Me actually does have quite a few songs that we like; I just did not realize they were sung by Mercy Me.]  It ended up being a good thing that they were the last act, in that we did not feel bad leaving early and avoiding being stuck in traffic trying to get out of the parking lot.   

Oh, I almost forgot to mention that Rob Wagman, one of the Fish DJs did a little stand up comedy routine that had D chuckling louder than I have heard him laugh in a long time.  Although this particular DJ is not my favorite on air personality, I must admit he was pretty funny. 

The next day, k said that “The concert was more fun than I thought it would be.”  I’m not sure if that just means she had really low expectations, but I am glad that she enjoyed it too.


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