Hanging Around

This is my last week before I go back to work (at home). Of course, the time went by too quickly. Sometimes I look at k and wonder how she got so big all of a sudden. n is growing quickly, too, although we haven’t made too much progress in the sleeping at night. He is in a cute stage, cooing and smiling (when he is content).

tough guy
I’m a tough guy!

eating hand
I found my hands!

head control
I can lift up my head!

shin sen gumi
Forget fried rice, I want more ramen! (This was at Shin Sen Gumi in Fountain Valley. It is a tiny place. We arrived at 4:45 on Sat. and were seated right away, but by 5 p.m. there were people waiting outside. I liked how you can customize your ramen–I prefer my noodles on the firmer side while D likes his softer, and they delivered! We both put down that we wanted light oil and normal strength broth.)

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My mom’s nickname for n is “butterball”, which I think is very fitting. Look at those thighs…much cuter than the chicken legs he used to have.

k loves her tiny camera that she earned through last year’s summer reading program. I think it is the only prize that she still has besides her “Just Go To Bed” book, which she also enjoys.
tiny camera

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2 Month Dr. Appt.

At n’s doctor appointment yesterday, he weighed 14 pounds and measured 23.5 inches. My suspicions of his infant acne, cradle cap and eczema were also confirmed. He was so calm throughout the whole thing. He drank up his rotovirus oral vaccine as if he enjoyed it. He did cry a little after his three pokes in his thighs, but that is to be expected. I have this internal conflict of wanting him to grow up and staying the way he is, so small and cute!

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6 Weeks Old


Here’s a semi-smile from n. You should see his full-on smile–very cute. Too bad my photography skills are sorely lacking. His acne healed but is flaring up again. This time we’re fighting back with Aquaphor, and it is working to some extent.

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Crabby Soul

Today n is one month old. Poor thing has infant acne and cradle cap, so he isn’t too attractive. Plus, he doesn’t seem happy unless he is feeding or sleeping. My mom’s 1975 copy of La Leche League’s “Nursing Your Baby” hit it on the head when it says, “a one-month-old baby is often a rather crabby soul”.
Crabby Soul
The blurriness of the picture nicely hides his complexion. 🙂

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