Time Capsule Letter

n’s teacher gave us homework: write a letter to your child about your life during this pandemic, and keep it so both you and your child will be able to read it in ten years. (n also had a write a letter to himself that he is supposed to read in ten years, when he is 21!) At first, I balked at the idea of having to do “homework”. However, after writing it, I think it is an interesting exercise that will become a valuable keepsake.

May 12, 2020

Dear n,

I am writing this letter to you after being quarantined for approximately nine weeks due to the COVID-19 pandemic.  It feels so strange to be living during this unprecedented time.  We have witnessed toilet paper and food shortages, seen gas prices tank and unemployment reach an all-time high.  Basically the only time Dad or I leave the house is to buy food, and we have to wear a face mask in public.  The only time you and k leave the house is to skateboard or scooter around our neighborhood.  Who would have ever thought that this is what we would be experiencing in 2020?  

These past couple of months have been filled with adjustment.  Everything seems to have been cancelled or put on hold.  We were disappointed to have to cancel our trips to Seattle and Japan.  All of your schooling is done online and you are unable to see your friends.  Driving you to soccer practices and Boy Scout meetings has been replaced with making sure you log-on to your video conferences on time.  We even attend church by watching service on YouTube!  Although Dad did receive a temporary (hopefully) pay-cut, we know that we are lucky to both still have our jobs and our health.  

I am sad that you will be missing your in-person 5th grade graduation and all of the festivities that go with it.  I appreciate your teacher, Mrs. H (during her last year of teaching!), for having you record your memories during this unique time through this time capsule and scrapbooking.  You have worked so hard throughout your years at M***** Elementary, and you deserve to be recognized.  Dad and I will try to do our best to celebrate with you at home.  

Trying to look at the bright side of this situation, our family has had a LOT of bonding time  Now, we actually have time to sit down and eat dinner together because we are not always hurrying off to the next practice or meeting.  We have been doing puzzles, taking walks, playing games, trying new recipes and watching movies.  I am so glad that this is occurring while you are at a stage where you still enjoy spending time with your parents and sister.  Despite the difficulties, I know this time with you is a true gift that I hope you will always remember as well.   

Although it seems like time is standing still during this quarantine, I know it is only temporary.  I am sure the next ten years will fly by, just as the first eleven years of your life have.  We cannot wait to witness how you grow, develop and change into a young adult.  Please know that we will always be there to support and encourage you, no matter the circumstances.

                                                                                              Love always,

                                                                                              Mom & Dad

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Build Their STEAM Skills and Life Skills at Galileo Camps

Disclosure: This post is written in partnership with Galileo Camps. All opinions are my own.

Although I really like the fact that summer means our family schedule is a little more relaxed, I firmly believe that summer is also prime-time for learning. Recently, k and n had the opportunity to attend Galileo Camp’s week-long Summer Quest program. This program is geared for 5th-8th graders, and offers various “majors”:

  • 3D Modeling & Printing
  • Chefology
  • DIY Hoodie
  • Drone Innovators
  • Go-Kart Builders

The kids were excited to participate in the Go-Kart major. D and I are not the “handy” type, so this is not something we would attempt to do at home! I remember taking woodshop in middle school, but those types of classes are not offered at the kids’ school anymore.

The Galileo Summer Quest program we enrolled in was Monday-Friday, from 9-3 (extended daycare available) at a local elementary school. During our initial check-in, I could tell that this was a well-organized program. n was feeling a little nervous, but the enthusiasm and friendliness of the counselors was infectious! The counselors held entertaining opening and closing ceremonies and organized fun activities such as Water Day for the campers throughout the week.

All of Galileo’s Summer Quest programs focus around STEAM learning (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Math). For the Go-Kart session, they give the kids a basic design, but encourage them to customize their Go-Kart according to their individual preferences. Some of the fun features that can be added include working doors, foot brakes and license plates.

The kids learn how to use a handsaw, screwdriver, and power tools. They are taught the importance of accurate measuring and how to assemble the kart’s wheels and axles, steering column, hood and seat.

It was such a satisfying experience for the kids to see their project come together. They started out with some wood and screws and ended the week with a fully functioning Go-Kart. They learned how to collaborate and help each other out. They experienced set-backs and learned how to ask for help and keep moving forward. They also experienced first-hand how tiring this type of physical labor is. This type of hands-on learning really provides some invaluable lessons, not only for building, but for life!

The t-shirts the kids received at camp nicely summarize the character qualities that Galileo Summer Quest tries to instill: “Visionary & Courageous & Collaborative & Determined & Reflective”.

If you are looking for an educational camp experience that your children will not forget, I would recommend looking into Galileo Camps. Galileo Camps have been around since 2002 and are designed for kids pre-K through 8th grade. Check out the programs Galileo offers near you.

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In Search of the Superbloom in Thousand Palms Oasis Preserve

It has been a while since I have done a vacation post. Well, last week we went on a road trip with stops in Arizona, New Mexico and Texas during spring break. That means I have a lot to share!

We left early in the morning on what was coincidentally n’s 10th birthday! Our first stop was Thousand Palms Oasis Preserve because I had heard you could see some Superbloom action there.

We arrived before 8:00 a.m., and the parking lot was pretty empty. Nothing like the crowds in Lake Elsinore!

There is a small visitor’s center, but we did not go inside. There was a friendly volunteer/docent who directed us on the main path to McCallum Pond. He told us that if we went just past the pond, we would see a lot of flowers (toward Moon Country).

At the beginning of the trail there was a boardwalk. k noted there was a small placard showing that it was an Eagle Scout project–nice!

I have never seen such massive palm trees!

During our hike, we came across this small patch of flowers. I could not believe how they look like a bouquet that was put together by a florist!

McCallum Pond is where the palm trees are, off in the distance.

McCallum Pond

We continued on the path as directed and found the Superbloom!

Happy birthday, n!
Not sure why D is doing the tough guy pose.

I was not planning on hiking as much as we did, but it was good for us since we were about to spend another six or so hours in the car.

On our way back to the 10 freeway, we drove by this amazing field of flowers and I had to ask D to stop so I could take a picture. Superbloom 2019 is for real!

We continued our drive along 10-E. It was much more picturesque than usual thanks to the flowers that were blooming along the highway. We also found ourselves in the midst of the Painted Lady butterfly migration. Several smashed right against our car as we were driving, leaving bright yellow stains on our windshield and wings in our grill–yuck. Soon we would arrive in Tuscon for the first night of our road trip…

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DIY Halloween Costumes: Referee + Charlie Brown

The past couple of years n has been able to wear some hand-me-down Star Wars costumes.  Since he has outgrown them, we needed to come up with a new costume idea.  He agreed to be a referee.

I bought a cheap white polo and painted the stripes with black fabric paint from Michaels and painter’s tape.  I only painted stripes on the front because I was too lazy–ha!  We bought the black baseball cap from Michaels (the last one in the store!) and he already had the pants.

k went to a Halloween dance a couple of weeks ago and her friends all dressed up as different Peanuts characters.  She made her own Charlie Brown t-shirt with the same bottle of black fabric paint.  Again, I bought the yellow t-shirt from Michaels.  (What would I do without Michaels and their 40%-50% coupons?)

This year k wanted to hand out candy instead of going trick or treating.  Too bad we only had five groups of kids come by!

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Our Kids Sang In a Honda Commercial!

A few years back, D had the opportunity to be in a Mazda commercial through work. A couple of months ago, our kids had the opportunity to record in a studio for a Honda commercial through our church.

Since it looks like the commercial will only be shown in Japan, here it is for your viewing pleasure.  k asked, “If it is a Japanese commercial, why are we singing in English?”  Ha–good question!


Here is a behind the scenes video where you can catch some glimpses of k and n.  I guess they are categorized as “Asian” instead of “American” in the demographics slide.  I think the song ended up sounding pretty good for a group of non-professionals!  Even though they were unsure about participating at first, it ended up being a fun experience for them.


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Sharpen Your Child’s Soccer Skills: Challenger Sports British Soccer Camp Review

Disclosure: This post is sponsored by Challenger Sports.  All opinions are my own.

With my daughter away at camp, I knew that I needed to find an activity to keep my son busy for the last week of July.  He tends to become really bored when she is not around–ha!  I saw that Challenger Sports was holding a British Soccer Camp at a park just down the street from us so I decided to sign him up.  There was a choice between a half day camp (9-noon) and full day camp (9-4).  We went with the half day camp, which was a good thing since the weather was so hot that week.  I actually felt bad for the kids that were signed up for the full day camp since it was so hot, but it is a nice option if you need full day childcare.

There were three coaches, and about twenty-five kids at the camp.  Sign-ups were open to boys and girls from ages 3-16, but it seemed like most of the kids were about 5-12.  I had limited interaction with the coaches (2 male, 1 female), but they did have British accents!  From what n told me, they were all friendly, knowledgeable and enthusiastic.  I appreciated how they greeted n by name by the second day.  That might seem like a small gesture, but it made me feel like they were paying attention to each individual child which is not always the case in settings like this.

The kids were split up into 6 teams and earned points throughout the week for winning their games, as well as participating in fun spirit activities such as dressing up for “Wacky Wednesday” or drawing a picture of their coach.  Each day they did focused drills to focus on specific skills.

The coaches also gave the parents instructions about signing up for an app called TopYa! Soccer.  I had not heard about this app before, but it is pretty cool.  The app teaches kids certain soccer skills through videos.  You can then take a video of your child performing that skill and a virtual coach gives you feedback.  We had a little trouble uploading the video at first, but now that we have the hang of it, n seems to like it.

I realize this is not the most exciting video, but you get the idea!

If you have a young soccer player, or a child who is interested in trying soccer, I would recommend trying out a Challenger Sports British Soccer Camp near you!

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Scouting Recognitions

This past weekend we celebrated both k and n in their scouting endeavors.  k received the Bronze Award with her troop.  They sewed pillowcases and donated them to a hospital for their project.


We did not realize people would arrive so early, and we ended up in the very back row.  k did a nice job reading a short blurb about their project.  It was a large crowd!


k’s troop has nine girls, but only four could make it to the ceremony.  She will be moving on to Cadettes next year.


n bridged from Wolves to Webelos for Cub Scouts.  The dads build this bridge every year for the boys to cross.  For the past couple of years the ceremony has been at Irvine Ranch Outdoor Education Center in Irvine Regional Park.



After the boys cross the bridge, they put on their new neckerchief, slide, and hat.



So proud of both of our scouts and so appreciative for their leaders!  Looking forward to many more adventures.


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Playdate Idea in Irvine: Adventure Playground

In the summer of 2016, I started a little blog series reviewing local parks.  One park that we did not have a chance to visit was Irvine Adventure Playground. Yesterday we invited one of k’s friends and one of n’s friends to join us in checking it out.


This is a public park run by the city of Irvine.  Admission is free, but there are employees manning the front desk and you list the names and a phone number for you and your guests.


The posted code of conduct.


The playground structure was unique enough to be fun for these 8-11 year olds.


The boys started to build a house, but they did not get very far.


Overheard: “I feel like a construction worker!”




The concrete slide was a hit with everyone!


Pretending to do the luge.






Bringing a piece of cardboard came in handy once again!


There are also water pumps* and a muddy ditch, but thankfully our group was not too interested in that part!  It would be a good idea to bring towels and to wear old clothes if you think your kids would be the type to dive right in!  *Water pumps are closed for maintenance every Monday.


Adventure Playground
1 Beech Tree Lane
Irvine, CA 92612
Phone: 949-724-6818

10 a.m.-6 p.m. (daily)
10 a.m.-Dusk (daily)

Holiday Closures (all day):
Easter Sunday
Christmas Day
New Year’s Day

Early Closures (closing at 3 p.m.):
Independence Day
New Year’s Eve

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Sign Up For Summer Soccer Camp!

If you are looking for summer camps to sign your kids up for, this is a good one!

Enroll in the most popular soccer camp in North America! British Soccer Camps have programs for all ages and abilities and feature an innovative curriculum full of skills, drills, and thrills! Register now and you will not only get your free British Soccer game jersey (value $34.95) shipped to you for free immediately, but you will also get our brand new skill development App and 20 videos to help your child practice at home. Your soccer ball, T-shirt & poster will be given out at camp. USE CODE BSC18 at check out to get free shipping.
To Enroll: https://www.challengersports.com/british-soccer/

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Nine Year Old Birthday Party @ Benihana

After we went skiing we had a birthday dinner scheduled for n at Benihana in Newport Beach.



The chef hat kids menus kept them busy while waiting to be seated.


Hosting seven active 8 and 9 year old boys was quite an experience!  D saw a co-worker and they were joking how we have a big family–ha!


I was going to skip the fried rice, until I remembered that it is a big part of the “show”.  The boys’ commentary during the onion volcano is pretty funny.

There was a lively rendition of happy birthday for n.  I think we heard it about three other times that night for other parties as well.  Are they really singing in Japanese the second time?  I do not even know!



For dessert, there was a choice of rainbow sherbet or vanilla, chocolate, or green tea ice cream.  n received a special sundae with some whipped cream, chocolate sauce and a pocky stick.


This was our keepsake photo taken by the server.  The boys also chose a ceramic mug to as a souvenir since I signed up for Kabuki Kids.  I also bought Ramune soda from Cost Plus World Market as a favor.

All in all, the party worked out well.  I think it works for a wide range of ages, too.  I liked that there was minimal planning, and that the Benihana experience includes food and entertainment.  I do not know why, but hosting birthday parties makes me anxious.  My only regret is that I should have told the parents to pick up the boys in two hours, instead of one and a half hours.  I felt bad that they had to wait around while we were eating dessert and picking out the mugs since the service was a bit slow.

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