Lately k has been trying to eat her hands, sometimes both at the same time! She is also starting to suck on her toys and anything else she can grab onto. Right now she is sporting some nasty self-inflicted scratches on her nose. It looks like she got into a cat fight. đŸ™‚ We have been trying to keep her nails shorter, to no avail. I guess she needs to wear her little mittens more.
Three Months!
Tummy Time (11 Weeks)
Here is k during “tummy time”. She’s getting pretty good at it! k has also been sleeping more the past couple of weeks–she can go up to 5 hours at a time now. The past couple of nights haven’t been as good though, because we are transitioning her to a bigger swaddle/wrap and it’s a little too big. k is a little Houdini, and can get her arms and legs out, defeating the purpose of swaddling. D just weighed her and we estimate she is 13 lbs.!
Sleep Deprivation
Why, you may ask, are we posting a picture of k’s backside? Well, it is to illustrate what happens when babies deprive their parents of sleep. D and I have a deal that I can wake him up once in the middle of the night to change k’s diaper. Last week, during the mid-night diaper change, k also needed a new outfit. In the morning, we realized D put her outfit on backwards! We got a good laugh out of that one.
k has been spending more time outside of our condo the past couple of days. Yesterday we went to MnM’s (WPC’s mom’s ministry) and my parents’ house. Today k and I hung out in Irvine with k’s aunt and uncle while D went to work. We went to the Farmers Market, Stricklands, and Lee’s Sandwiches. k pretty much slept the whole time in her stroller.
6 Weeks
Now that k is six weeks old, I feel like she is ready to see more of the world. R came to visit us for the first time yesterday (and brought us lunch!), so that was nice.
k is now tipping the scales at approximately 10 lbs.!
Tell Me a Story
5 Weeks
Yesterday, k had her first “play date”. A couple of my friends came over for lunch, and one of them brought her three month old. Right when our food came, both babies wanted to eat too! I think k enjoyed seeing some new faces.
This is a sling that my mom made for us. k is just about the perfect size for it right now, so I’m trying to use it before she gets too big.
Happy 1 Month Birthday!
Today k made her debut at church. The congregation sang the “Welcome Song” to her, although she was asleep at the time. I guess we’ll be sitting in the back room, with the other babies, for a while.
Tonight we had dinner at my parents’ place. D wore his Indiana sweatshirt to watch the Colts play. I guess he’ll have to wear it on Superbowl Sunday as well.
4 Weeks
Today is k’s 4 week birthday. I guess she’s not technically one month old until Sunday. Here she is on her changing pad, looking kind of scared.
k’s 24 Hour Fitness
This is where k does her “Tummy Time” workout. She lifts her head and rolls to her side. She looks small, but looks can be deceiving. She tips the scales at 8.5 lbs! She has been sleeping OK. Well, at least that is what L says. I sleep through the night quite well.
While we are on the topic of working out. I have been continuing my workouts. I consistently run 4 miles in 38 minutes and swim 1,000M free style & 500M breast-stroke in 34 minutes. I am planning on running the Seal Beach 10k at the end of March to help me gauge where I am at in preparing for the 2007 Disneyland Half-Marathon in September.