Five Months!

Yesterday k turned five months old. This past month went by pretty fast. k had her first solid food, turned over from her stomach to her back and learned how to sit up. It is so fun to watch her develop. For those who do not have DSL and could not watch the “first meal” video, here are some pictures of k eating rice cereal. She seems to enjoy her new high chair, which is really a booster seat that straps onto a regular chair–genius!



messy mouth

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Playing Around With Dad

On Saturday we went to my parents’ house to belatedly celebrate Mother’s Day and my Dad’s birthday. Before dinner, D was playing around with k, resulting in the following pictures:

cubs hat
Wearing Daddy’s hat

cell phone
Carrying Daddy’s cell phone (Question: why do they put pockets on baby clothes?)

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Happy k

Looking at our pictures of k, you might think she doesn’t smile too much (case in point: the Newport Beach picture with D–could she look any more sad?) However, she does smile a lot when the camera is not pointed at her. She is still learning how to laugh, and makes us laugh in the process.

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k Is 4 Months Old! (finally)

For some reason, it seemed like k was three months old for a long time. On Sat., however, she hit the four month mark. She has her four month checkup tomorrow (which means more shots). 🙁

D’s parents came down for the weekend to visit. On Friday he picked them up from the airport and took them down to Laguna. They ate at Las Brisas for lunch. Too bad it was raining! Then they went to check out some ridiculously expensive homes in Crystal Coves just for fun. After spending some time at our condo, we all ate at Sweetee Thai.

Saturday morning we went down to Irvine to show D’s parents the real-life “Truman Show”–haha. We checked out some model homes, including the one that my sister and brother-in-law are buying.

tea party
Here is D and k at a tea party in one of the model homes. k really likes facing “out” in the carrier because she is able to lick it to her heart’s content. Afterward we went to Sam Woo for dim sum/beef chow fun. I liked the food, but it was too noisy for k. That night we left k with my parents and I gave D’s parents the grand tour of Seal Beach. We ate at Walt’s Wharf and I ordered the Santa Fe pasta with prawns, which I’ve had and enjoyed before. When the waitress took my plate away she asked if this was the dish I always order when I go there. How did she know? D’s parents split the chef’s tasting menu, which was interesting. We also walked about 1/3 of the pier before turning back (it was cold and I had to get back to feed k).

Sunday morning we went to WPC. I arranged to have k’s infant dedication that Sunday so D’s parents could be there. She didn’t cry while on stage, so that was good. It was nice to have the congregation affirm our raising up of k.

Then we ordered food to go from Buca di Beppo and met up at my parent’s house. After a leisurely lunch, we rested at our place…and then it was time for dinner! We ate at California Fish Grill. Yes, there was a LOT of eating going on this weekend. I should probably cut back somewhat this week to make up for it! Anyway, I dropped D’s parents off at the airport this morning, and that was the end of a very nice weekend.

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k and the Easter Bunny

easter bunny

k went to the CPENA “Spring Fling” today and was able to have her picture taken with the Easter Bunny. Too bad she couldn’t keep her eyes open. (I didn’t want to hog up too much time since there were a bunch of kids/parents waiting behind us). At least she didn’t cry! Of course, when she’s older, we’ll teach her the real reason we celebrate Easter.

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