
D received two tickets to Zoomar’s, a small petting zoo in San Juan Capistrano, so we went on Saturday. First we ate at El Campeon, a Yelp find.
El Campeon
D ordered three tacos and I shared a chicken burrito with k. We could’ve just shared two tacos and the burrito between all of us, since the servings were quite generous. We also had a watermelon agua fresca. The drink was kind of too sweet for me, but k enjoyed it. It was a very loud place, and I think we were the only non-hispanics, which I guess is a good sign, food-quality wise!
Next up, the zoo!
k’s favorite, the bunnies. She didn’t want to ride on the ponies–“Maybe when I’m 4.” Also, this morning she asked why there weren’t any giraffes at the zoo. Um, I guess we should’ve managed her expectations a little better before we went.

I liked walking around the nearby historic district afterward. I remember watching a Huell Howser show on the area. Someday D and I should try the Ramos House and the tea house. I guess we’ll also have to see the swallows/mission too.
Cute little houses.

Can’t believe our “winter break” is over! It was good to have so much family time together. Back to reality.

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